Chapter 5 Part 2

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I was never at detention before, so I shivered when I found the room where there was a big sign with DETENTION written on it. If mum finds out I was there, she is going to kill me. I knocked on the door and Mr. Styles opened it.

He did not say a word. Neither did I. I just sat down in the last row and took out my maths stuff to start with my homework. I didn't even look at him. I thought he was going to say something about that night. About the party. About me. But he didn't. I was happy he didn't because I didn't want to be confronted with this night again.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door again. Mr. Styles got up from his chair and went to the door to open it. A girl walked in. She had the same motivation as I had. I recognized her. It was Judith from my English Lit. class. She's a bit bitchy. You know, having three boys in one week is typical for her.

She slumped down on a seat in the first row. Yay, I wasn't going to be alone with him during Detention. JUDITH, you saved my life. Never thought I would ever say that.

"You know why you are here, do you?" This was the first time he spoke. His voice was husky and low.

"I guess." Judith answered.

"Okay. You have some work to do?"

"Uh, yes. I have some history homework to do. You are history teacher, aren't you? I could need some help." Woah, okay. I never thought Judith would be so offensive to teachers. She had a low neckline and climpered with her lashes.

This was the first time Harry looked at me. But it was a cold look. A very cold look. Then he broke our short eyecontact and turned around to Judith again.

"Yeah, sure. Wait. I'll take my chair and then we will do this together." he winked at her. He winked !!

Teachers do not they? Well, most of them do not !

He took his chair and sat down in front of her. He leaned closer to her and started explaining something about worldwar two. But then I stopped looking at them. I don't care what they do. Maths is more important. Yeah Kim, tell that persons who actually believe the crap you are thinking. the voice in my head sounded.

I concentrated on maths again and finished my homework. Chemistry was next. I'm not goot at Chemistry but I actually understood the stuff we were doing right now. I really tried to concentrate on the homework but Judith's uncontrolled giggling brought me out of my concept. I lifted my head and catched Mr. Styles starring at me while Judith was giggling her brain out. In case that hadn't already happened.

When Mr. Styles realised I catched him he looked away again. Weirdo.

I tried to focus on my homework and may I say...I finished it with brilliance.

Then the bell rang and released me from my first detention ever. I smiled and packed my stuff. Judith was already out of class when I made my way to the door. Okay, I have to admit: I was a bit ( just a teeny weeny bit ) disappointed that Mr. Styles ignored me today. I mean....we already hugged and I was in his apartment. He soothed me and stuff like that. OK That sounds so weird. I never said such a bullshit in my whole entire life. But it's the truth. I actually thought he would at least say 'hello' to me. Even as a teacher.

I reached the door and wanted to walk out, but his voice stopped me.


Should I be happy that he doesn't ignore me or should I be disappointed because I needed to talk to him and we all know that will not end good? Stay careless Kim.

"Huh?" I turned around and stared at him with a blank expression on my face. What you can do, I can do, too Styles.

"Would you please come here for a second?" He was nervous. Yep. He was definitely nervous.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now