Chapter 20

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I was on the stairs when I had the urge to run back into Harrys arms and sob all night, confessing my love to him.

But I wasn't going to embarass myself once again. Harry and Ms. Winters are meant to be. I mean, they are both in the same age, they are both teachers, so their love isn't even forbidden.

Maybe I had to see the truth that my feelings for Harry would never be more than ogling him from afar.

Haha. I sound so desperate. What the hell happened to me? Once, I was a confident young woman, talking back to people all the time. And now. . .

Okay I still talk back to people, that was a bad example. But to face the truth . . . .my feelings for Harry changed me. But, for better or for worse? I don't know.

I only knew one thing. . . I had to get away from Harry. I was so good on it, when I tried to sneak out, but when he was so close. . . .everything flushed over me again. Like a huuuuge wave.

And this can't happen anymore.

"Are you going to stand there forever?" a voice made me jump out of my thoughts.

I turned around to face an old grumpy man staring at me creepily. Oh, I was still standing on the stairs, 20 meters away from Harrys apartment. If the man talks any louder, Harry notices that i'm still standing outside of his apartment and that would be as embarassing as barking in again.

"Uh, no. Sorry." I muttered quietly and went downstairs. Trying not to look at the creepy grandpa again.

The cold and freezy air hit me like a brick when I left the apartment complex.

So, here I was standing.

All alone. . . . in front of an apartment complex . . . . in the middle of the night. . . . . without a jacket.

Maybe leaving in the coldest night of the month wasn't the best idea of mine.

Where am I about to go anyway?!

I turned left and started walking. I walked past the bus stop and smirked to myself. Tomorrow I didn't need to take the bus from there.

Now, I exactly knew where I was going to go to.

My beloved house.


I found my house faster than I found the bus stop yesterday.

I smiled when I heard the familiar clicking of the door when I turned the key around. Home, sweet home. Now I finally understand this quote. I always thought it was invented by some stupid drunk poet. But dude, this quote is true. Thank you Mr. drunken Writer.

Okay. . . .that's it for weirdness today.

I couldn't resist from slamming my bag into the corner, throwing my hands into the air and screaming : "I'M HOOOME!"

Nobody answered me which was,

a) Good, because that means there aren't any kidnappers or burglers in my house

b) Better, because I was finally on my own and feeling free

Being alone is so much better.

Or so I thought.

Because, stupid little me decided to kick the night off with a horror movie marathon. . .and after "accidentally " watching Paranormal Activity Tokyo night, I was too afraid to even move an inch.

Who even thinks about creating such an abnormal movie like this???!

It took me ten minutes to grab my phone, which was only 30 centimeters away from me and call Scott.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now