Chapter 21

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Enjoy Chapter 21. BTW WE HIT #963 IN ROMANCE !! WHOOP WHOOP!

We kissed.


All in all, we kissed three times.

That must mean something.

He wouldn't have kissed me if I meant nothing to him.


Here I was, lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking over and over about the kiss we shared.


I pulled away. Again.

My hands trailed down is chest and I lifted my gaze, just to see him still smiling.

He cupped my face with his hands and our foreheads touched.

It was a magical moment.

Nothing could ever replace this moment.

He then took my hands and interwined them with his.

"Kim." he whispered into my ear, placing soft kisses down my neck.

"Harry". I moaned softly.

But a third voice decided to join us.

"Harry? Are you here?" Ms. Winters high voice sounded through the room.

"Shit." Harry cursed, still pressed up against me in the little dark storage room.

We both nearly stopped breathing and just looked into each others eyes and hoped Ms. Winters would leave the room again.

"Harry, I know you're here. Your bag is standing on the table. Where are you?"

Harry threw his head back into his neck and sighed quietly. Then he backed away and pulled some books out of the shelf next to us. Right in that moment., Ms Winters opened the door to the storage room and turned the light on.

"Ah, here you are." she smiled. But that smile faded when she saw me standing next to him.

"Uh, here are the books Kim. I think they'll help you with the. . uh.. .project." Harry said scretching his neck nervously.

"Yeah, umm, right. Thanks. I'll bring them back when I'm finished." I mumbled awkwardly.

Ms. Winters was looking from me. . . . .to Harry. . . . .to me again.

"So, what are you doing in here?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Kimberly needed some books for a project I gave her in history." Harry said with a clear voice.

I just nodded.

"Ah. Anyway Harry, I'd like to talk to you for a second." the smile returned on her make-up bombed face.

"Uh, yes. I'm about to go anyway. Bye Mr. Styles." I waved, ignoring the bitch next to me.

*End of Flashback*

I've came to the conclusion that it couldn't continue like this. I just can't go to school everyday to see him, not knowing what he feels about me. It just kills me inside.

Yeah, the actual plan was to forget him. But hello? What happened not even an hour ago, just smashed every plan. Can you blame me?

Sitting at home, thinking about the situation over and over again won't help me.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now