Chapter 7

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Today is thursday. One day before our trip with Mr. Styles. I played sick the whole week because I didn't want to see Mr. Styles or face the consequences. My mum actually believed my coughing and sneezing, which was absolutely fake. But as long as she didn't make me go to school it was okay playing the sick girl. But today mum forced me to go back to school because of the trip. She wanted to know what she needs to pack for me. Not that I can pack for

Somehow I needed to survive this day. Somehow I needed to survive Mr. Styles lesson. No one knew about my fake-sick-acting. No one but Scott. So of course he needed to make a comment when I greeted him this morning.

"Oh hey, Are we fit for Mr. Styles today?"

"Oh hey, do you want me to tell you secrets next time or should I keep them from now?" I hissed back.

"Okay,okay. I'm sorry. I take it back. Can you forgive me, love?" he laughed.

Now I had to smirk. I would forgive him always. No matter what he did.

"Maybe. But only if you pay lunch." I chuckled.


"And you stop making fun of me."

"Alright. I think I can handle with that."

I gave him a quick hug. "You are the best Scottie."

"I know Keykey." he tousled my hair.

I laughed.

"What lesson do you have?" he asked taking some books out of his locker.

"Uhh...French. You?"

"Calculus." he cried.

"Poor boy."

"I have to go now." he whined. " But good luck in history."

"Haha, thank you. I won't have." I said with a dry laugther. He said goodbye and I made my way to french.

"Hey. Are you fit again?" Maisie greeted me with a big hug when I entered the room.

"Yeah, a bit." I fake-coughed a bit. She didn't need to know, or?

"Poor girl. Make sure you are healthy again for the weekend."


"The trip, you dummie?"

"Oh, yeah. Did I miss something the past days?" I asked and hoped she would tell me if Mr. Styles told something about my exclusion.

"Um, not that I knew. Oh, Mr. Styles was a bit weird the past days. I don't know what's wrong with him." she tapped her chin with her fingers.


"Yeah, he didn't gave us any homework. We didn't really work in class. He just sat there, staring out of the window."



"Bonjour mes dames et messieurs." Madame Alloure entered the classroom and started with the lesson. I was a bit afraid. Next lesson is history. I don't want to be expelled. Maybe I should apologize. But...actually, he was the one who started it. He was the one who mentioned Dylan.

Sooner than I expected, the bell rang and Maisie pulled me with her to the next lesson.

To Mr. Styles.

But when we entered, Mr Styles wasn't on his usual place. Instead of him, Mr. Thompson sat there greating us with a smile.

"Uh, Mr. Thompson? What are you doing here?" Maisie raised an eyebrow.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now