Chapter 16

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"Harry?" I whispered when he looked at me strangely. A gasp followed when his face dropped.

"I- ugh. . . that was . . . " he realised what he just did. I thought he was going to say "amazing" or "wow" or something like this. But life decided to destroy my dreams once again.

"That was a mistake. I'm sorry." he said.

Again I gasped. But louder. . . .and definitely more shocked. He can't just kiss me and tell me it was a mistake afterwards. Can he?

"But you. . . ", I didn't know what to say. I still felt the tingles on my lips where he kissed me. . . .but the fact that he called our make-out session a mistake replaced the tingles with what felt like needles.

"I'm sorry. I should go now. Good night."

Haha. . . no. Not this way Styles.

"No." I raised my voice. "Stop." My body was filling with anger. I should've known better. I should've known that a guy who looks like this is a player who uses everybody.

He frowned. Clearly, he was not expecting the little stupid girl that tapped in his trap to oppose him.

"I'm going."

With that I shoved past him and made my way to the door, opening it and slamming it after I left his appartment.

What had just happened? Am I dreaming? Should I be happy that I had his lips on mine or should I be angry because he called it a mistake? THOUGHTS THOUGHTS THOUGHTS.

I was far away with my mind so I didn't notice when I nearly ran into a car on my way to my house.

"Shit." I cursed. I expected the driver to get out and yell at me for being a stupid drunk teenage girl blah blah blah. But he didn't.

He got out of his car and hurried towards me to hug me tight.


I tried to get away from his grip but when I looked up I saw it was Chester.

"God, Kim! What are you doing?" he whispered worried.

"I-I . . .don't." I cried into his chest. I can only repeat over and over that I'm a wreck.

"Shhh. Everything is okay." he soothed me. Without success.

"I'm ok Ches. I. . . .was just. . " But he cut me off.

"I drive you home and don't say no."

I nodded. Stil crying like a baby. This night. . . .was shit. Cars, boys and I don't match.

He drove me home, I thanked him and went into my house. I forgot to ask him about our fake date and his girlfriend. . . but I guess it wasn't even important.



I already told you how I feel about this day. So I'm not going to repeat it.

Monday also means Harry in fifth lesson. Oh yay. Another minus point.

I tried the whole weekend not to think about what happened on friday. It was all so confusing. No Chester, no Harry.

Oh and guess what! YES. . . .I also don't have any friends anymore because I scared them all away. . .so yeah. . . I'm alone.

I always feel embarassed when I have to walk through the corridors of school on my own. I prefer having a person walking next to me so that people don't think I have no friends.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now