Chapter 14

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"Get in.", a husky voice demanded harshly.

Oh no ! Please not a rapist ! No ! No ! I don't want to be kidnapped and raped.

I got up slowly and made my way over to the car, still not seeing who was in there, trying to rape me. But before I could reach the door handle I turned around and ran.

I ran for my life.

And it actually worked, even without crutches.

I felt like superman, flying over everything.

Yes, this feeling lasted for at least. . . . .twenty meters. That was when I face-planted once again. But this time I wasn't able to get up because my leg hurted as hell.

I looked up to see a pair of black converse shoes standing in front of me.

He got me.

I'm seventeen for god's sake. I'm not ready for this ! I'll never be ready for this!

Wait. . . .who is even ready for this?

I expected the rapist to throw me over his shoulder and carry me to his car, but that didn't happen.

He stretched out his hand, waiting for me to take it.

He actually wanted to help me to get up. Wow, polite rapists. That those people even exist!

I took his hand, which was so soft, and my hand kinda fitted perfectly in it, but then I took another chance and started to run.

Soon enough I felt arms wrapping around my waist, not too harsh, but not gentle as well.. . . . .stopping me from my glorious escape.

I was pulled back until I crashed into something hard, which I discovered as the rapists chest. Dude, I bet there's an eight pack underneath this shirt.

But I guess this isn't the right moment to think about things like that.


The man took me bridal style to his car and seated me in it, fastening my seatbelt before getting onto the drivers seat.

That was when he turned on the light and I gasped in shock by the familiar sight I got.

"Mr. Styles!" I exlaimed, my eyes still wide.

"Shhh..! You are so stubborn! Why do you always run away or face plant when I'm near you." I guess he tried to sound like he joked, but this was not funny at all.

I losened my seatbelt and grabbed the door handle to get out.

NEVER EVER would I drive in this car again.

But he locked the door before I was able to run away again. GRWAH-

"Let. Me. Out.!" I screamed hysterically.

"Let me just drive you home. You're not able to walk Kimberly." he tried to calm me down. But I wasn't in the mood to be calm.

I repeated slowly. "Let me Out and Never Ever call me Kimberly again. Got it?"

If glares could kill, I would've murdered Mr. Styles a billion times this moment. He just wouldn't let me out.

"Okay okay sorry Kim. But could you just be quiet and accept the lift?"



"No way."


"Let me out now."

But then he ignored me and just drove.

I joggled the door handle to make him notice that I was going to get out of this car no matter what he did, but yeah. . . .my tries weren't the best.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now