Chapter 23

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"Is this your mum?" he asked. Is he being serious?!

I frowned. "Well, you won't know as long as you don't open the door."

He shifted his head slightly to the left like he was just processing what I said but then he went to the door and opened it slowly.


"Hello Mrs. Martins. Nice to see you again."

A wave of relief washed over me when my mum entered the room and smiled thankfully at Harry. Then her gaze went on me and her grin went even brighter.

"Kim!" she sqeaked like a little girl. It was too cute! My mum and I usually have the normal Mother-daughter- relationship but when it comes to not seeing each other for weeks, she turns into a teenager just like me and we scream at each other in happiness. It's weird but okay.

"Muuuuum!" I ran over to her and propably gave her the tightest hug ever. Words can't describe how I happy I was to see her and not that bitch of Ms. Winters.

"I missed you my little darling." a tear was strolling down her cheek. AWW!

"Mum please don't cry I missed you too." I soothed her, still in our hugging position. I loved moments like this and I was just so happy that all the trouble with Harry was finally over and I was able to live with my mum again.

À propos Harry. . . .

he signaled with a little cough that he was still in the room. Ooops!

"Umm," he coughed, " I really don't want to interrupt your 'Welcome-back' session but. . . "

"Ohhh yeah sure. We're very sorry Harry." my mum said quickly. "We'll leave now. But there's one thing that I'd like to know."

That was when Harry and my eyes met again- . . . at the same moment.

"O-Okay?!" he said nervously.

It can only be worse. It comes from my mum. . .it HAS to be worse for Harry and I!

"Did she make any trouble?"


I was pretty sure Harry thought the exact same thing when I looked over at him. "No no Mrs. Martins. Everything was perfectly fine." With that, he winked at me.

Can you believe that? He WINKED at me. What the hell was that for?

"Yeah mum. But we don't want to annoy Mr. Styles anymore , right? So let's just go home and never come back again and celebrate that you're back home." I said quickly and pulled her with me to the door.

She was completely unprepared for my quick goodbye and nearly stumbled over Harrys couch. Sorry mum!

"Well okay then. See you soon Harry." she called but we were already out of the door.



Maybe I'm overacting things but this was the first thought that came to my mind when I felt the breezy air on my skin.

We got in the car and I buckled my seatbelt with a huge grin on my lips.

"Why are you smiling so hard, honey?" my mum chuckled.

I tilted my head to the side ."I'm just happy that you're back." It was true, so what?

"Aww, I'm happy that I'm back too!" We drove down the empty road in the direction of our house.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now