Chapter 13

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"Wow." he gasped when I opened the door to his car.

"What?" I questioned him. Was it too much? I really tried to look pretty. Just don't know if it worked.

"You look stunning." he smiled, not taking his eyes off of me. Okay, maybe it worked.

"Thank you.You don't look bad yourself." I smiled shyly.

He smiled at the ground and started the engine. "I reserved a table for two at "Clover's". I hope that's okay with you."

"Sounds great."

Clover's was a very classy restaurant out of town. Wow, it is very expensive there. What makes me so special that he takes me out to Clover's?

It took us around twenty minutes to get there and Chester was really cute opening my door and helping me to get out of the car. You know, I still had my crutches that made me walk like a crippled hobo.

"Hi, I'm Chester Haynes. I reserved." he said to the waitress that was standing in the lobby.

"Table for two, am I right? Follow me please Mr. Haynes." she said with a smile and motioned us to follow her to a cute little table in the back of the restaurant.

There was a big red candle placed in the middle of the table and it was decorated nicely. Chester took my coat and brought it to the wardrobe. I sat down and started to enjoy myself. Ready for an evening with my old bestie and the new hottie.

Yes this is going to be an awesome evening.

Or so I thought.

Because a table just a few meters away from us catched my . . .it wasn't the table that made me gasp . . . .it were the persons that sat there. Chatting intensivly. Nobody else than Mr. Styles and Ms. Winters.

You've got to be kidding me.

This can't be true.

No. . . ! They can't be on a date. . .just like me an Ches. . . .in the same restaurant?!

Why are you doing this to me, god? Do you hate me so much?

It was then when Harrys eyes wandered from hers to mine and then they wided......our gazes locked. He saw me. His face emotionless.


I tried to look away. . . and I bet he tried too. But it was impossible. He got me. I was trapped in his gaze. Ms. Winters started to snap with her fingers in front if his face, but he didn't noticed.

I felt uncomfortable and was more than happy when Chester returned and I was able to break the staring contest. Cooly I smiled at Chester and waited for him to sit down.

I decided it would be the best that I don't look at them for the rest of the evening. But unfortunately, when I had to look at Chester. . . . . I saw Harry in the background.

Why was he staring at me like that? Never seen a girl in a dress with crutches?! . . .weirdo.

I hadn't noticed that the waitress has brought the menus and jumped when Chester clapped his hands to bring me back to reality. Wow....I need to focus on Ches. He's my date for god's sake.

Focus Kim!

"So, what would you like to eat?" the girl asked us, smiling sweetly at Ches, ignoring me.

Where's the hot waiter I need right now?!

"I take the chicken and what about you?" Ches said, not giving the waitress a second glance, smiling at me instead.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now