Chapter 30

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At home I realized what I had done. I left Harry with Dylan in the hallways.

Of course Harry is a jerk. He let me fail on purpose. I think we don't need to talk about Dylan. . he's a bastard.

But no matter what Harry has done to me. . . leaving him alone with Dylan was probably the worst mistake I'd ever done.

Who knows what Dylan had done to him. Yeah, Harry sure knows how to fight. I've seen it with my own eyes. . . but I learned to never underestimate Dylan...


I can't let Dylan hurt him. I can't.

I love Harry. . . It's a love/hate. . but the love wins when it comes to situations like this.

I dialed the number as quickly as possible.

After two rings. . . finally an answer.


"Skye. . .Drive me back to school. Now!" I said.

"What. Why? I thought we'd ditch together??" she asked annoyed.

I sighed. "I can't. I need to be there. Now."

"I'm there in 5."

"I love you."

"You better."


Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the school. I hugged Skye like I'ver never hugged anyone before.

"Thank you sooooo much."

"I don't even know why you want to be in school again but if it has anything to do with how you reacted an hour ago and if that has to do with Mr. Styles you better run and sort things out." she smiled.

"Will do. I hope it's not too late."

"Too late for what?"


"Now go and you better do it right." she laughed and drove away.

I took one last breath and ran into the building.

I prepared myself for seeing Harry on the ground, blood everywhere and Dylan hovering over him, laughing disgustingly. I prepared myself for breaking down in tears.

I prepared myself for everything. . . but not for an empty hallway.

What the hell.?

There wasn't even blood on the ground. . wait. . stop. . no there was. . fuck.

But where the hell are Harry and Dylan and to whom belongs the blood? ( it better be Dylan)

Okay, think Kim. Where could they be?

I ran through the corridors, looking for them in every corner. There weren't any students in the hallways because the next lesson had already started.

I should be in my french lesson right now. . .

After I had run through the whole school without finding any of them I made my way to the secretary. It was my last option.

I stepped into the huge room. Because it was november and Christmas wasn't far away. . they already decorated the whole room with Christmas trees and Snowflakes.

An old woman with grey hair and red dress welcomed me.

"Hello my dear. How can I help you?" she smiled warmly. I realised I wasn't even that often in the secretary. I never knew how the people looked like. shame on me:

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now