Chapter 22

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Wey-hey :) One question: Did you like Harrys P.O.V in the last Chapter? Do you want it again? Comment please :) ENJOY Chapter 22 <3

"Kim? Are you at home? Please call me back. Please! I'm worried about you. Call me if you hear this. okay? Umm...It's Harry by the way. We need to talk." his husky voice sounded through the answerphone.

I just arrived at home. Under tears. And listening to his voice on the answerphone doesn't make things better. No, it makes them even worse.

I'm really hoping mum is coming back soon. I really need my old life back. Maybe we can drive somewhere far away. Just for a few weeks. To make my head clear.

Sighing I broke down on the couch and turned the TV on. Gossip Girl was on. Actually I love this show, but right now, Chuck and Blairs "problems" are just annoying. Who even cares? I do definitely not.

It was obvious for me that I wouldn't call him back at all. I don't want to talk.

I haven't noticed it was already 10pm but when I saw the darkness outside, I knew it was propably time to go to bed. I stripped my clothes off and slipped into my sweatpants and my sleepshirt before brushing my teeth and going on a date with my bed. But before I was able to pull the fluffy blanket over my body, my phone rang. "Please don't be him." I whispered before accepting the call.

"Hello?" I asked carefully.

"Hi darling. How are you?" I sighed in relief when I heard my mums voice on the other line.

"Oh hi mum. Fine, what about you?" I answered cheerfully.

"I'm fine too, honey. I just wanted to tell you that I'm coming home tomorrow. I called Harry and he told me you're at Skye's. That's why I'm calling you on your phone. Please don't stay that late and go back to harrys soon. it's already late." she said.

HELL to the WHAT?!

Harry lied to my mum? For me? Why'd he do that?

"Umm. . .yeah. Exactly. No I was just on my way back there. How was your meeting?" I responded, playing Harrys game.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. I'm going to catch you at Harrys about 5pm, alright?"

"Uhh, I can also come back home. You don't need to catch me." I said quickly. There was no way I was going back to him just for my mum to catch me there.

"Oh no darling. That's okay. I want to thank him anyways. I gotta go now. See you tomorrow. I love you." she spoke.

"Mum I-. . ." but she already hung up.

The good thing was : My mum is coming back tomorrow.

The bad thing was : I had to return to Harrys house tomorrow and talk to him.


Next day:

The bell rang and I quickly gathered up my things and threw them carelessly into my bag before I headed out of English class.

I nearly ran down the corridor. I had to talk to Harry before the others are in class.

I really don't want to talk to him but I have to make it clear that he needs to tell my mum that I headed home earlier to suprise her. That's why I can't be at Harrys.

I came up with the idea yesterday night after the conversation with my mum. It had to work.

"Hey Kim! Wait for me." a voice suddenly sounded behind me. I turned around, in a total rush. I really can't be bothererd with anyone. I MUST talk to Harry.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now