Chapter 5 Part 1

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Being in the apartment of my teacher is trouble enough, but telling him everything about your Ex-boyfriend is.....woah!

I really don't know what's wrong with me. Just two weeks ago there was a couple in the news. Stella Mc..whatever and her eleven years older maths teacher Peter ..whatever. I can't remember their last names but that doesn't matter. Stella went to the school next town and she was only fifteen. So...that Peter was...twenty-six. I's not that old for a teacher. But still there are eleven years of difference and it's forbidden anyway to have a relationship with his teacher. I don't know why I even talk about that? Oh yeah, right! One night, Stella went home from a party and nearly got raped. Then suddenly her teacher appeared and saved her from the rapists and took her with him to his apartment. And in his apartment, they got closer and closer...and the rest you can think of. Anyway....that's what happens if you are accidently in a teacher's apartment. Stella was sent to a girls school now and her teacher is in jail. Okay back to now. in a teacher's apartment. And I definitely don't want to become Stella Mc..whatever. I mean...actually that's impossible because I don't fall for Harry. Ehh.. Mr. Styles. But I only knew one thing right now. I needed to get out of that apartment.

After I told Mr. Styles what happened at the party and after I told him about Dylan and me he looked really worried but I think that was only because he had pity with me. I MUST look like a total desperate , bitchy and mentally confused kid to him.

Well...some minutes later, Mr. Styles needed to leave the room because he said, he had to do some phone calls. I bet he's calling the psychiatry and instructs me there. So...he left about ten minutes ago...that means I don't have much time to leave without him noticing it.


But there wasn't any time to think. I just got up from the couch, grabbed my bag and went to the front door. I guess he was in the kitchen. It looked so. Anyway. I tip-toed to the front door and opened it as slowly and quiet as possible before sneaking out. And then there was only one option left. RUN!

And I did so. I began to run to the stairs. I jumped them down and hurried out of the apartment-block. I barely knew this area here so I just guessed where I was running to. After some minutes I recognized where I was and so I was able to get to my house easily.

"Kim, is that you?" my mum called.

"Uh, yes mum." I answered. I was prepared for her shouting.

"Okay." That was all she said. Like ..really?

I glanced at the watch and it said 11.23pm. It was early! I thought that it would be like 3 in the morning. It was so dark outside. Craaazy. But lucky me !

I went to my room and took my phone out to text Skye I was okay. Then I slumped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I can not remember having a night as crazy as this.

Seeing Dylan....with that chick.....that was enough for me. But landing in my teacher's apartment. IN MR. STYLES APARTMENT...that was.....way too creepy.

How should I react when I face him next time? Like hey, sorry I left your apartment last night without telling you. Come on. I was in some deep shit. I should've never gone to that party. Then...I would still have a boyfriend, even though he was cheating on me. And I wouldn't have faced Mr. Styles with my bursted face, sobbing like an idiot and later staying in his apartment. Can we just rewind that? I needed advice. But not from my mother, because what would she say if I told her I was in a teacher's apartment? She wouldn't do Happy-dances, I guess.

So there was only one solution.

I dialed the number in my phone and waited for someone to pick up. PLEASE PICK UP!

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now