Chapter 3

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It was Tuesday. The second day of my life as junior. I did my usual morning routine and Skye catched me.

"Morning." she chirped when I got in her car. She's always too happy in the morning.

"Morning.", I grumbled back. I'm not a morning person so you should be careful what you say to me.

"Are there any news from your oh-so-cute boyfriend?", she asked mentioning Dylan. She doesn't like him. Though he's actually super nice and caring, they both never got along well. It's because Dylans brother Marcus always kinda bullied Skye in her childhood. It was not really bullying, he just played tricks on her and she just wouldn't listen when I told her he was doing this because he had a crush on her. Whatever, two years ago Marcus left for college and has never shown up since then again.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. I was too tired to call him last night so I just thought about talking with him in school. Whether that spanish chick is with him or not. I don't care about her...or do I? NO KIM YOU DON'T.

"Mhm. Tell me when you've talked to him." she mumbled disappointed. She would just love to hear that I dumped him. But that won't happen because when we talk in a few minutes,he's going to tell me that this all has been a misunderstanding and we continue to live happily together.

I nodded and looked out of the window. It was rainy again and the sky was dark and grey. Then suddenly something plopped into my mind again.

"Skye?" I asked her carefully.

"Yeah?" she didn't even look at me but that's just because of the traffic.

"What about that message yesterday?" I meant the message were she predicted me that I was going to fall for that Mr. Styles-teacher.

"What message?" She knew exactly what I meant. She just wanted to hear me say his name. URGH.

"You know what message I mean."

"Nope. I don't know." she smiled confidently.

"About me falling for someone?!", I tried.

"About who?" Oh sometimes I just hate my best friend. But you a best friend-hating-way.

"Mr. Styles." I finally sighed .

She smiled cheerfully. Yeah, she what?

"Ah that message. It was just a statement. Not more."

"A false statement." I corrected her.

"Time will tell."


"We're here."

She was right. We had just arrived at the parking lot of The Hell. I grumbled something and got out of her car, making my way to the building but before I could enter something catched my eye. It was a real big, black, expensive-looking AUDI driving on to the parking lot. And it parked just right next to Skye's car. Since when can students actually effort so much money for such a car? And since when do our medievally teachers drive black AUDI's? But when the car door opened it hit me. There was only one person that this car could belong to. And this person just got out of the car. Wearing grey chinos, a white shirt and a blue blazer. Combined with the chuck taylors from yesterday. Ray Bans on.....and the mop of curly brown hair.

Mr. Styles.

For a moment I just stood on the stairs and stared at him. I don't even know why. I could've just went into the building without giving him a look. But the message from Skye stopped me from doing so. Suddenly he turned around and met my gaze. Our eyes locked for what seemed like hours. But in reality it was just three seconds or so. Someone pulled me by the arm and dragged me into the building so that I broke our staring contest.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now