Chapter 32

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Red Lipstick or nude? Dress or jogging pants? Hair open or bun?

So many question , so scant time.

After Scott dropped me off and I ate some pancakes I came to the decision to stop by at Harrys' appartment tonight.

But styled? Or casual?

There were 10 minutes left before I had to go. Maybe I should've stopped after the third pancake and not have eaten five more. Yes, I ate eight pancakes. Don't judge me, I was hungry.

I pulled on some blue jeans and a grey sweater, pinning my hair up into a bun. That's the outfit for today.

Confidently I smiled to myself. I still couldn't believe Harry actually asked me to be his girlfriend. I can't believe he likes me back, after all that we've practically been through.

Smiling I remembered the school trip where we went to that manufacture factory and I tripped and Harry stayed with me.

It seemed so long ago though it was only about two months. The time was worth the fight.


I grabbed my car keys and made my way over to Harrys hood.


"Who's there?" Harrys voice sounded through the door as I knocked three times.

I sighed. " You know who it is. Now stop feeling proud that you got me here and open the damn door."

I heard his chuckle and immediately melted inside. I couldn't wait to see him.

Slowly the white appartment door opened and Harrys nose peeked out. Without thoughts I pushed the door open with my arm and heard Harry huff behind the door.

"Are you crazy? You could've killed me!"

I laughed. "I am sorry my lord."

"Yeah yeah."

I stepped inside and threw my jacket onto the leather couch like it was my home.

"You feel pretty home don't you?" I heard him chuckle behind me.

I grimaced. "You can definitely say that."

He smiled lightly and looked at me absentmindedly. I frowned. "Are you okay?"

Harry snapped back to reality and gave me a small smile. "I am. More than okay , actually. "

He came closer and pulled me towards him. I let him take my hands and place them around his waist. I let him put his hands on my shoulders. I would've let him do anything.

"Words can't describe how beautiful you are." He whispered while he breathed down my neck. He made me shudder everytime he was close to me.

"Harry stop saying that." I replied. I never thought I was any kind of beautiful.

"Stop denying it." he simply said and pulled me even closer.

"You know what?" he continued. I shook my head, unable to say anything because of the proximity. He smiled again. "I'm so glad you came. "

Now it was my time to smile and I buried my head in his shoulders. He smelled so incredibly good.

I never felt so save in my entire life. Why is he making me feel this way? Why have I never felt like this before with other crushes?

He carefully lifted my head and looked straight into my eyes. "You're making me feel things that I never thought I was capable of feeling."

"Where's the dickhead that I usually know, Mr. Styles?" I joked a bit. He chuckled into my neck. "I don't know." he replied. "Tell me."

I wanted to say something and opened my mouth but Harry stopped me by putting a finger to my mouth. "No wait." he smiled mischievously. "I'll try first."

And before I could think of an reply his lips were pressed on mine and started moving in sync. WE KISSED AGAIN! And let me tell you : Those lips are like heaven mixed with a taste of sex. If you know what I mean.

But before I could actually feel myself into the kiss, Harry backed away just like that and sat down on the couch, leaving me standing in the middle of the small livingroom completely shocked.

"W-What?" I finally asked.

" Well let me say it like this, that was a little foretaste of what is to come." he chuckled.

"What?" I asked once again, totally flabbergasted.

"Don't play stupid." he said, but now he was serious. "There are two things we have to clarify. And the second thing isn't going to work if we don't talk about the first thing."

"I don't know what you want?" I replied, crossing my arms.

"You know exactly what I want."

He wanted the truth.

I knew it .

"I can't." I sank down to the ground. God knows what Dylan is going to do with Harry. After their fight I know that Dylan has something planned. Something big.

Harry just sighed. "Then I guess you should go."

"Are you kidding me?"

Harry looked anywhere in the room but at me. "This was the reason I wanted you to come. And you came so I thought you wanted to be with me. But I guess I was wrong"

My eyes plopped out of my head. . . .literally.

"What! NO! Harry I WANT to be with you! I love you!" I blabbered. I felt tears welling up. He couldn't just make me go and end all this . . .again! NO!

I wanted him..I needed him!

"Then tell me the truth!" he demanded.

"You don't understand the risks." I said.

"Then explain me."

"If it was that easy."

"At least try."

"It's hard. Damn Harry!" I cried.

"In any other situation I would've made a joke about that phrase of yours but yet I just want to know the truth. I know Dylan is doing something to you. I just want to know what."

"He could hear us!" I tried to explain.

Harry laughed bitterly. "Yes of course. Because there are bugs everywhere in my appartment."

"See! You don't understand it." I yelled.

"I just. . . .ah fuck it. Tell me what he's doing or else I'm going to make him pay not knowing what he's doing to you."

"He's blackmailing me okay? Are you confident now?" I cried out.

I was still sitting on the ground like the last picture of misery.

"I knew it." he murmured. "With what?"

I sighed deeply. "With us."

"So he knows."

"I guess so."

"What does he want to do?"

"He wants me to be his girlfriend again or else he's going to hurt all the persons I love. And he's doing it ! I know it." I sobbed.

Seconds later Harry was kneeling next to me, pressing my body against his.

"I'm sorry Kim." he whispered against my skin.

"It's okay I guess. I just want Dylan to stop and be with you."

He smiled. " I'm glad we share the same opinion. We'll make him stop. I have a plan already. And don't worry now." he caressed my back. " We better talk about how we hide our love." With that he kissed my forehead.

And there they were again... the crazy butterflies when he said our love. I'm such a mess


Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now