Chapter 4

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"Hello, this is the mailbox of Dylan McLorenz. I'm sorry I'm not on call at the moment. Call me later or leave a message after the beep............................BEEEEEP."

"Dylan? It's Kim! Your girlfriend? You do remember, do you!? I haven't reached you the past days and I definitely need to talk to you. So call me back, okay? Bye."

I was annoyed that I couldn't reach Dylan. It was getting on my nerves that he has time for that Paloma girl but not for me. I mean...I am his girlfriend..and I should be first place instead of Paloma. I threw the phone on my bed and went downstairs to eat the rest of the pizza mum had left me before she went to work. While I was eating, I heard my phone upstairs ringing and Skye's and my favourite song by Icona pop played. Instead of enjoying the sound I jumped off my chair and ran upstairs. It had to be Dylan. It needs to be!

"H-Hello?" I answered out of breath.

"Hey Kimmy." a pitched voice chirped through my phone. I was slightly disappointed. It wasn't Dylan. What was I expecting...he would probably never call.

"Hey Skye." I answered forcing myself to a smile.

"How are you?"

"Uh...fine? And you?", we usually never start our conversations like this...but...uh..okay.

" you were so upset because of Dylan today.", I frowned when she mentioned him. "So I thought you might need a cheer up. I'll catch you in thirty minutes and then we do our girls night. Dress yourself up."

Before I could say anything she hung up. That clever chick....she knew I would've said no if she stayed on line. Reluctantly I went to my en suite bathroom and took a shower. I mean, maybe she was right. Maybe I needed some distraction. I was so worried about Dylan and that girl that I totally forgot about everything else...nearly..!

Even though tomorrow was school ...I needed it now and tomorrow I don't have history, so Mr. Grumpy-face can not give me detention because I won't be too late.

I got out of the shower and dried my hair. Then I went to my closet and searched for an outfit. It was hard to find because my favourite clothes were still in the laundry...the last Party-clothing I found was a black dress. It was casual and pretty so I decided that this would be my outfit. I put on some tights and my black converse. I'm not that high-heel girl. I can't even walk with them. So converse always fit. Then I made my way back to my bathroom and straightened my light brown hair. I put on some mascara, a bit of powder, eyeliner and lip gloss. DONE. Outside I heard Skye's car horn. I quickly took my bag, put in my phone, my purse ,some powder for an emergency, my keys and some bubble gum. Then I wrote a note for my mum telling her I was out with Skye and then I left the house...ready for distraction.

"Yoo Keykey." Skye greeted me smiling. She was so pretty tonight. She wore a grey shirt-dress with a cardigan and some high-heels. Her black hair was curly and her make up was awesome. I still couldn't understand why she doesn't have a boyfriend. So many boys are having a crush on her.

"'s Kim." I grumbled. She laughed as she started driving towards the city's club. THE PALACE.

It was a disco for people aged 16 until whatever. We always go there but during the summer we kinda made a road trip with Skye's ford and checked the disco's in the other cities. Not one could top the Palace.

"Okay. Hey there Kim.", she repeated. I smiled. "There we go. Hey there Skye."

"So are you ready for tonight? We visit the Palace and I thought about leaving whenever we want? I mean, tomorrow is nothing important in school." she asked.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now