Chapter 31

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Seconds had turned into minutes as Harrys lips refused to leave mine. The kiss had easily become more passionate as he treated me like he was never going to see me again. I knew there was a risk being caught even though the door was locked. I reluctantly pushed him away even though I wanted more,

So much more...

I could tell Harry began to frown as I switched on the light. Multiple questions were swarming in my mind that I needed to ask him,

"Where's Dylan?" I asked suddenly, his name tasting like poison in my mouth. That was definitely not the first question I wanted to ask. Harry ran his hand through his hair, "Ok, uhm another question then... What happened once I left?" Harry chuckled nervously,

"Well, long story short, the principle saw us fighting in the hallway and he suspended Dylan for three days... He suspended me for a week." My jaw dropped to the floor. I had no clue how to respond to that, so I just went with the first thing that popped into my mind,

"Wouldn't you have already left then?"

"He's letting me teach for the rest of the day. But I don't have anymore classes left so..." I nodded and went to go sit down on a chair. I tapped my finger on my chin, thinking of what question I should ask next. It was quiet for a couple moments as I stared at the clock,

"Why have you been failing me?" I finally asked, looking over at him. Harry slowly walked over and took my hand, tracing the noticeable veins and knuckle bones, "Harry." I scolded. He glanced at me before looking at my hand again. He shrugged, "You're acting like a two year old." I sighed becoming impatient,

"I don't know..." He finally confessed.

"How could you not know? You're the one failing me in the first place." I said. Harry shrugged again,

"I-I don't know what came over me... I guess I was just mad..."

"And why were you mad?"

"Because you were making me... Feel things I shouldn't feel about a student. I was confused and mad that you had this impact on me. I was mad that I wanted you. I wanted you sooo bad, and I still do..." He closed his eyes and shook his head, continuing to hold my hand in his large one, "I couldn't sleep for days because you were occupying my mind. I hated it. I guess I felt like... I don't know... My mind justified that you should get a F since you were doing this to me..." He said more quietly, opening his eyes, "I knew it was wrong, but my brain told me otherwise. And since you never paid attention in class, it was the perfect excuse." He finished, looking me in the eye. I turned away from his gaze,

Was I mad?


Yes I was.

I sighed as Harry sat in the seat in front of me, his hand still holding mine. I was... Disgusted in a way. I had basically done nothing, and he just... Failed me... Just because I was making him feel this way?

It was completely outrageous.

"Kim, look at me please." I huffed and continued to look down at the desk in front of me. With my spare hand, I traced the graffiti that was written on the desk, "Kim, please. I'm sorry. I'll make up for it, I swear." I finally met his gaze and gave in.

Giving in seemed like something I did alot.

Harry grinned and lightly kissed my cheek. I smiled just at his touch,

"What about Ms. Winters? What was her deal?" I asked. I still hated her. I hated her with a passion, but I hadn't seen her for awhile which was good in a way or I would've ripped her head off. Harry gave me a confused look,

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now