Chapter 37

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Well, hi ! I know you may be very surprised to see another update of this ''lost'' story but I've actually got some time now so I thought I could give this one an update.

I actually don't really know what to say. I guess I should apologize for letting this story get lost. I guess most of you don't even remember this story, the line, or that it ever existed. To be fair, I do too. So when continuing this now, please bare in mind that I also don't remember every detail of what happened in the past 36 chapters. I'm trying to bring the storyline to an ending as good as I possibly can! I hope thats okay for you. A lot of things happened, I've grown, I've been through some times where Wattpad was the last thing I thought about. I'm twenty now. I started the story when I was 14. Anyways I'm not gonna waste more time and give this story a solid ending. It may not be the best one and I'm really sorry for it. But it deserves an ending and if anyones interested in a sequel : YOU GO!  Do it. ;)! Enjoy <3


"Kim!" he breathed.

Stupid stupid girl! I thought to myself. You should've bought him lingerie ( for me of course ), or a trip to that one lake... He hates it.

He looked at the little blue box, then he looked at me, back to that box, back to me.

"It's..." he said.

"I'm sorry !! I wasn't too sure. But you know, you can give it back or change it if you want. I think that's possible during the next 10 days!" I blurted.

"Are you kidding me? It's absolutely beautiful."


"I wanted something like this for ages. Literally ages. But I wasn't too sure which one to get or if that would make me to some Hipster teacher when I walk to school wearing this."


"But now you've taken the decision and it's absolutely perfect and I'm so happy you did. You can read minds can you?" he actually looked like he was about to tear up. He actually likes it. Like genuinely!

"Really?" I asked, still not believing it.

"It's stunning. Thank you so much! I love it."

He took the brown leather bracelett out of the box and eyed it. 

It had a golden H bound into it.

"I thought you would hate it. That it would be way too girly or sappy or ugly or whatever." 

"Honestly? Oh Kim! No! I'm so glad you got me this. But I know how expensive they are." he rolled his eyes at me. "Let me give you the money back! Why do you spend so much on me?"

I tilted my head. "You are kidding. Don't you dare ! It's your birthday present. You deserve this."

He sighed loudly. "But.." he stopped. " Why do you even spend that much money on the man you broke up with. Like you knew we would get back together?!" he smiled.

I scoffed. "Ehem, no? I mean, if this would've gone any other way I would've taken it back to the shop and bought some food for good old myself!" 

He started laughing. "I missed you so fucking much!" 

"I missed you too." I fell into his strong arms. I missed his scent. I need to remember that I have to take one of his many perfums and steal it so whenever he is gone I can spray everything. 

"Let's get some dinner." he mumbled into my hair. "I was actually to lazy to cook so I ordered some pizza." he said sheepishly.

"That's even better." I smiled. Nothing could ever tear us apart again. I knew it.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now