Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Calum Hood

Ugh, I hate mondays. I mean, if the school would start on tuesday instead of monday, I'd still hate monday. It's not the school that makes me hate it, it's the day.

Slowly I stretched myself and got out of my bed. A look in the mirror would only make me more frustrated, so I just spared that.

"Kim, are you awake? Please hurry up." my mum yelled from downstairs.

I did my usual morning routine and finally took my crutches to go downstairs. Nope, no school for me today. I have to go to the hospital instead because of my leg.

When we arrived yesterday, my mum directly drove to the hospital with me, though it was sunday. They told me my leg was 'just' clinched and sore, but not broken. They told me to walk with crutches the next couple of weeks until I feel better and then they disinfected the wound. Today I just needed to go there so that they have a look on it and see if it got better over night.

I hurried downstairs and got in the car without breakfasting. That's actually a no go for me but I didn't care.

Mum started driving in the direction of the hospital. It was silent and nice in the car before she started saying the unbelievable.

"I guess we'll be done there in twenty minutes so after that i can drive you to school."


"Excuse me?"

"Yes? What's wrong?" she said.

"I'm not going to school today."

"Oh yes you are."

"Oh no I'm not." I argued.

"Kim, you can't stay at home all the time. I let you stay at home when you were sick last week. I can't let you stay at home now. I bet you missed much stuff in school." she started to explain. Hell! That was no reason! My leg hurts, I look like an idiot and I CAN'T WALK!! Isn't that enough to let me stay at home?!

"I haven't even packed my bag. My bag is at home and I haven't done the homework." I said satisfied because for me....that was the TOP-POINT! She couldn't respond with anything more clever.

"Luckily I packed it for you because I knew you'd forget. It's on the backseat." I saw the smile on her lips which said : HAH; I won.

I looked back...and there was my school bag. She must be the devil.

"And don't worry about the homework. I called the school today and explained them the situation. They'll inform your teachers." she continued.



"No Argument, Kimberly."

"But just look at me. I can't go to school like this. I'm not even dressed up like a normal person." I tried everything to change her mind. It was true, I was dressed like a hobo. Baggy pants, my All Time Low tshirt, my old and ripped vans...and Even my hair was in a messy bun.

Please understand me, I thought we were going to the hospital only. And there are just old and gross doctors. No reason to make mysef beautiful.

Umm..not that in school would be a reason I had to make myself beautiful for. But still...I don't feel comfortable going to school like a hobo.

"Kimberly, you look adorable as always. Now be quiet. We are here." she gave me a warm smile. That means nothing but Accept the fact I've won and shut up.

I love my mum. You see why.

I got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the huge hospital in front of us. It looked quite abandoned, which is one of the reasons I hate going here.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now