Chapter 6

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"So class, I'm sorry but I wasn't able to correct your tests for today. You are going to get them back tomorrow." Mr. Styles announced when he walked in. Today, he was the one that was too late for class. Fifteen minutes. Do teachers get treatment for coming too late to class? I don't think so. That's unfair.

"Also, I'm sorry that I'm a little bit too late today. It won't happen again. I promise." There it was again. His oh-so-famous smirk.

"Ahh, that's okay Mr. Styles. Don't let it trouble you!" McKenzie Jordan brownnosed. She's sitting in first row and flutters her lashes everytime Mr. Styles is near. I don't know if Mr. Styles knows what she's trying to do. I don't care anyway. Maisie even told me that McKenzie once tried to break into the secretary to steal the teacher files of him. Creepy girl !

"Thank you McKenzie." he smiled kind of thankful and turned around to face the class.

"Anyway." In his hands he held a bunch of papers. "Since I'm teaching you in history, I thought you may want to do a trip."

The whole class cheered. Except me. I don't want to do a trip. And definitely not with him.

"We are going to take a look on a different topic next lesson and for that, I arranged a little trip for us. We are going by bus for a whole weekend." he handed the papers out.

"So make sure that your parents sign it. Bring it back tomorrow please."

For a whole weekend?

I mean, one day is bad enough. But three days? He wants to kill me! That's it. Search for a solution Kimberly!

I raised my hand. He hesitated but then allowed me to speak.

"What if my parents aren't at home today and so they can't sign it?" Have a little hope. Of course my mum is at home. But I still couldn't tell her about the trip. So I'd be out of all this. P.E.R.F.E.C.T !

"Then you give me their phone numbers and I call them." He didn't even look at me. Mr. Styles just stood there with his back to the class, writing something on the board.

Hmpf.. I don't want to go on this trip. But my mum is definitely going to sign it. She thinks class trips invigorate the community in class. Yeah, she is a psychologist.

"Are you going to be there with us the whole weekend?" Maisie asked. Oh, please not.

"Yes! I'm responsible for you." Mr. Styles turned around and looked at Maisie.

The girls began to snicker. Only I sat there........ with my arms crossed and rolled my eyes. I really hope I'm sick that day.

"Okay class. The new topic is going to be an old one." He tried to speak with enthusiasm, but it didn't really work. "We are going to take a step back and take a look on the Industrial Revolution."

Ohh, not again. I mean, okay, that was the one topic I got a B in, but still, it was so boring.

"On the trip, we are going to visit an old manufacture." he announced. " I have to go earlier because the principal would like to have a talk with me. I'm sorry again for coming too late. It won't happen again. You are free to go now." he packed his bag and waited for everyone to leave the room. That lesson went by fast. Well...summing the minutes he was too late and the minutes he had to leave earlier I guess we had a lesson with fifteen minutes. Icould get used to that.

"Why does the principal wants to talk to you Mr. Styles?" a girl asked.

"I can't tell you because I don't know myself yet." he smiled.

Mr. Styles ( Harry Styles fanfiction; teacher/student )Where stories live. Discover now