Train Wreck

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"Osa please come with me. I don't wanna shop alone."
"Little mystery, I'm busy today. Atsushi and I are-"
"Fine, fine. Can we at least have dinner tonight?"
"Of course."
"Then I expect a foot rub when I finish making dinner."
"Anything for you, little mystery."

"Hey guys there is an incoming video call from (Y/n)." Naomi informs, waking over.
"Why would she be video calling the agency?" Kunikida asks his partner.
"She just had some shopping to do."
"Dazai!" Atsushi yells running over to the group in front of the big screen.
"What is it Ats-"

"Laying in the silence.
Waiting for the sirens.
Signs, any signs I'm alive still."
(Y/n) mumbles popping up on screen.
Everyone's eyes widen.
"The train popped off the tracks." The tiger finishes.
The woman's backdrop is fire and carnage.
"(Y/n)!" Dazai yells.

"I don't wanna lose it,
But I'm not getting through this.
Hey, should I pray?
To myself? To a God?
To a savior who can..."
She trails off and coughs up blood.
"Dazai, she's in really bad shape." Yosano comments, looking at her friend.
"Dammit," Dazai mumbles.

"Unbreak the broken.
Unsay these spoken words.
Find hope in the hopeless.
Pull me out of the train wreck."
"(Y/n) help is on the way. Just stay with us ok?" Kunikida advises.
Of course they knew she would do her best to stay alive.
"Keep talking." Yosano suggests.

"Unburn the ashes.
Unchain the reactions.
I'm not ready to die, not yet.
Pull me out of the train wreck.
Underneath our bad blood,
We've still got a sanctum.
Still a home here."
"I should've gone with her! She asked me to go." The brunette punches the wall.
"Dazai there's nothing you can do now. Just keep her conscious." The doctor puts her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"It's not too late to build it back.
'Cause a one-in-a-million chance,
Is still a chance.
And I would take those odds.
You can say what you like, don't say I wouldn't die for you."
"What is she saying?" Atsushi asks.
"Little mystery, you aren't gonna die. You're gonna be just fine." Dazai wanted so badly to crawl through the screen and hold her.
"Is anyone around you alive? Is anyone there to rescue you yet?" Kunikida asks, pushing up his glasses.

"I-I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God,
Be my help,
be a savior who can..."
Dazai notices her trail off. "Little mystery, stay with me. I'm sorry I didn't go with you. But you still owe me dinner and I owe you a foot massage. Remember?"
Ranpo looks at the screen and his fists clench.
"(Y/n) stay awake!"  Kunikida yells.

"Pull me out of the train wreck.
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out, ah
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out."
(Y/n)'s head falls and her body seems to be motionless.
Words catch in Dazai's throat.
Tears stream down his cheeks quickly.
"L-little mystery..."
Atsushi looks at Dazai sadly.
Kunikida looks down then pats his partner's shoulder.
"Sh-she's not gone." The brunette whispers.

"Is anyone in here?" A man yells.
Everyone looks at the screen.
Behind the (h/c) they could see a man in a yellow jacket.
"Is anyone alive?" He calls.
All the agents yell as loud as they can, trying to get the man's attention.
He manages to hear them and walks over. "She's got a pulse!" He yells and looks over his shoulder.
His attention turns to the phone. "Do you know this woman?"
"That's my girlfriend. Please save her." Dazai quickly answers.
"We'll do our best. She's in pretty bad shape though."

Yosano nods and gives him instructions on how to treat her.
They tell them which hospital to go to and Dazai didn't waste any time.
Kunikida and Yosano follow him while the others stay and hold down the fort.
Dazai demands (Y/n)'s room number but she's still in surgery.
Akiko nods in understanding. "Dazai just sit down and stay calm. She's too stubborn to die like this."
"But you saw her, she-"
"It's because of her injuries. As soon as they are fixed and healed she'll be back to normal."

The brunette sits down and pulls on his hair. "She begged me to go with her. But I told her I was busy with Atsushi. I should've gone with her. I should've told her to stay home and we could go when I was free. This is all my fault."
"Stop beating yourself up Dazai. It was an accident." Kunikida pushes his glasses up and remains looking at the wall in front of him.
The purple haired woman sits next to her friend and rubs his back. "She'll be ok. And I know she won't resent you for not going with her. She loves you Dazai. If anything she's probably thankful you didn't go or you could be hurt too."
"I love her so much." He whispers and sits back in the chair.
"For right now, all we can do is wait." Yosano mumbles then sits back in her seat.

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