I Wish You The Best P2

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//P2 was DEMANDED so here it is. P1 is a depiction of a healthy break up. This is supposed to be a depiction of a healthy compromise.

(Y/n) clenches her fists as she listens to her boyfriend cheating on her.
The one who swore he never would, would love her no matter what, the one who would give her the world. The one she actually wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
Now tears blur her vision and she strain her breathing.
She cries as she leaves the apartment but upon arriving at Dazai's apartment she begins hyperventilating.
The brunette opens the door and his eyes widen. "(Y/n) what happened?!" He exclaims, pulling her into the apartment.
She tries to speak but nothing coherent comes out.

"Yuta please get me a glass of water!" Dazai yells, setting the woman on a familiar couch.
It's the one they bought on their first date.
Yuta, Dazai's boyfriend, walks over confused but frowns when he sees (Y/n). "What happened?" He asks softly.
Dazai kneels in front of the sitting woman while his partner sits next to her.
Yuta hands her the water and she manages to drink.
The agent does breathing techniques to help her calm down.
Once she does her head is pounding, so she drinks more.

"Can you tell us what happened now?" Dazai asks quietly, putting his hand on her thigh.
Something Yuta notices right away.
"He's been cheating on me. Apparently for over a year."
Dazai's eyes widen and he has to hold back his rage.
"I thought you two were happy? Why would he cheat on you? And if it's been so long why hasn't he broken up with you?" Yuta inquires.
(Y/n) shakes her head but cries once again. "What is wrong with me that no one wants to be with me? Am I ugly or stupid or clingy? Do I-"
"You are none of those things little mystery. Look at me. You are perfect. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise. He is a scumbag and doesn't deserve you. When I get the chance I will personally visit him and...have a little chat."
"Dazai you can't kill innocent civilians." Yuta mumbles softly, looking at his boyfriend
"Innocent my ass." The brunette growls.

(Y/n) sniffles and rubs her eyes with her sleeve.
Yuta hands her the box of tissues and she uses a few.
Dazai stands and holds out his hand. "You can stay here until this matter is settled. You'll kick his ass to the curb and throw his things out the window. That is your apartment after all."
(Y/n) frowns and looks at Yuta. "I... I wouldn't want to intrude. I-I just didn't know where else to go in the moment. I'm sorry for intruding."
The man smiles and holds her hand. "It's ok. You can stay here for a bit. Plus I'd feel guilty if I turned you away."
Dazai takes her hand and leads her to the spare room they're using as an office. "I know it's not a lot but I can put a futon down."
She hiccups and nods. "Thank you Osa." She whispers weakly and sniffles.

Once (Y/n) is asleep on her futon Dazai and Yuta sit on their bed.
"I'm gonna ring his neck when I see him."
"Dazai," Yuta mumbles.
"Hm?" He responds, looking at his boyfriend.
"You still love her don't you?"
"Of course. We said we would always love each other. But it's not-"
"It's not platonic is it? You still love her romantically. Maybe it wasn't at first but now it is. I can tell. You called her little mystery, you let her call you Osa, the way you touched her. Even the way you looked at her."
"Yuta I love you. Please don't think I don't or would leave you for her. I broke her heart when I confessed I was leaving her for a man."

Yuta sits on the edge of the bed, his back to his boyfriend. "Then I have something to ask you."
"Ask away."
"Do you want her to join our relationship?"
"I'm not opposed to the idea of polygamy. I know you love her still but I also know you love me. If you want we can ask her if she wants to join us."
"She's just been cheated on and is vulnerable. I couldn't ask her now."
"Then don't. We wait for everything to blow over and things have calmed down. When she has a clear head then you can ask."
"She'll think she's stealing me away from you. She'd shoot the idea down right away."
"But what if I said it was my idea?"
Dazai frowns and looks away. "I don't know. We were together for so long and we always hated the idea of polygamy. We just wanted each other. But things are different now, for me at least. I hate not knowing how she'd feel about things now."
"Then let's just wait and find out." Yuta puts his hand on Dazai's and they both smile softly.

Weeks go by fast and (Y/n) finally felt stable enough to fully go back to her apartment.
Not to mention safe.
Her ex didn't take the break up well and threatened her.
Dazai put a stop to that and the man ran away terrified.
(Y/n) stands in her apartment and frowns.
Yuta walks over with Dazai. He nudges his boyfriend gently and gestures to the woman with his head.
Dazai takes a deep breath and nods. "Little mystery?"
"Thank you both so much for everything you've done for me. And thank you especially Yuta. I'm sure it was uncomfortable with me there, and for so long. I am truly sorry."
"It's ok. I didn't mind. Dazai and I are very comfortable in our relationship."
"Speaking of which, I need to ask you something."
(Y/n) frowns and looks at the brunette.

Dazai walks over and takes her hand. "Would you like to join Yuta and I in a polyamorous relationship?"
The woman's eyes widen.
"What? No! I couldn't. I've already strained your relationship these last few weeks and Yuta, I-"
"(Y/n) it was my idea. Dazai still loves you and I think you still love him. If you joined us not only would it be ok but then I could learn to love you just as much. You are a good person and I think you deserve to be happy. Dazai makes you happy."
Tears stream down her cheeks and she looks at Dazai.
The said man smiles and wipes her tears.
"I won't make the mistake of breaking your heart again. I do love you, just as much as I did when we first met. Although I love Yuta just as much. So if you agree I think we can all be happy together."
(Y/n) laughs and shakes her head. "I wish I didn't still love you but I do. So if you're ok with me being selfish, I'll agree."
"Don't worry little mystery, I'm just as selfish."
"And Yuta I'll do my best to love you too. I don't know much but I've learned a bit over these last few weeks. So I swear I won't give Osa all my attention."
The said man smiles. "Thank you."

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