Mori's Daughter

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Dazai continues reading his suicide book at Oda's grave.
The breeze blows his hair gently as he tips his head and smiles.
(Y/n) sighs softly as she walks toward the graveyard. She sniffles softly as she wipes her tears. "I can't believe daddy let him die," she whispers.
The young man looks up at the girl a few years younger than him. "I'm surprised Mori let you out. Or does he not care about you being kidnapped again?"
(Y/n) glares at her friend. "Shut up. It's your fault I got kidnapped. No one was supposed to know about me but then you had to open your big fat mouth."
"The agency already knew about you before I told them. As for the other gangs..." he trails off and shrugs.
(Y/n) growls. "I hate you."
"No you don't."
The girl sighs and sits in front of him. "I miss him." She whispers and looks at her lap.
"So do I." Dazai mumbles and looks at the girl.
"Once I realized daddy's plan I begged him to let me save him. Oda was like a big brother to me. If only I was stronger, I could've snuck away."
"Mori had you locked in (Y/n). There was no way you could've gotten away. I tried to get there in time but I couldn't save him."
"I don't blame you Osamu."
The brunette glares at the girl. "I told you to stop calling me that."
"You're not the boss of me anymore, traitor."
"I would've taken you with me (Y/n)."
"Daddy would've killed you."
"He would be doing me a favor." The young man mumbles.
The girl still heard and pouts cutely. "I thought that when you asked me out you would stop this suicide nonsense."
"It started when I asked you out babe. You think Mori would let me live if he knew I was dating his precious daughter?"

"I've thought about killing you for it." The said father responds.
The couple jumps at the sudden appearance of the Port Mafia's boss.
"Daddy?! What are you doing here?"
"I followed you of course. As well as I wanted to pay my respects."
Dazai glares at the man then sighs. "I can't forgive you Mori."
"I know. Unfortunately for you both, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make for the future of the mafia."
(Y/n) looks away and moves closer to her boyfriend.
Mori sighs softly. "I won't allow you to steal her away from me. She won't join the agency like you."
"I never said she would. She's a grown woman now. (Y/n) can make her own decisions."
The mafia boss looks at his daughter. "Will you choose him over me?"
"I'm not gonna choose either of you. I want to be with Dazai but I won't leave you either daddy. I love you both equally."
"That's a dangerous card to play. The target on your back might get bigger." Dazai comments.
"Playing for both sides could get you killed." Mori adds.
"I know how to take care of myself daddy. No one will lay a finger on me and get away without some broken fingers."
Mori groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Fine. I will still be keeping a close eye on you."
Dazai smiles and kisses her temple. "Not that we need your approval. We've been dating for five years."
Mori's eyes widen. "Five?" He looks from Dazai to his daughter. "You've been keeping secrets from me for that long baby girl?"
(Y/n) rolls her eyes. "I've been keeping secrets from you since I was 10 daddy."
Mori gasps and fake cries as he hugs his daughter tightly. "How could you do this to me?"
Dazai chuckles quietly. "Secrets are required in the mafia."
"Exactly. At least I didn't tell Dazai that you cried in your room when he left."
Both Mori and Dazai's eyes widen at this information.
"Oops," (Y/n) whispers, covering her lips with her fingers. She laughs nervously. "Sorry daddy."
Dazai laughs and pats Mori's shoulder. "I knew you missed me Mori."
The mafia boss growls. "I did not cry. I punched a couple walls though."
"That's not what Elise told me." (Y/n) responds holding up her pointer finger.
The mafia boss glares at his daughter then his former underling. "You've corrupted my baby."
Dazai shrugs innocently. "Not completely."
(Y/n) giggles softly and kisses his cheek. "Almost completely."
Mori sighs but smiles softly. "Take care of her Dazai. If I find out she's been kidnapped again and it takes you longer than an hour to get her back I'm gonna kick your ass."
"What if it takes more than an hour to get to her location?" Dazai questions holding up a finger.
"I'm still kicking your ass."
"Bottom line, I won't get kidnapped again." (Y/n) comments.
The two men smile at the girl. "Yes."

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