Lost Them Both

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(Y/n) laughs softly and covers her mouth.
Dazai looks between her and the ultrasound sound picture.
"I'm so happy."
The detective smiles and hugs her tightly. "We're gonna be parents." He pulls away and puts his hands on her stomach.
"I love you Osa. And so will this little one."
"I'm not ready, but I'm excited."
"You'll be ok. Just as long as you leave them out of your suicide attempts."
"I would never do that, my little mystery. I will do everything in my power to keep them and you safe."
(Y/n) smiles and kisses her husband.

"Dazai, pregnant women aren't supposed to drive. As much as it pains me to say this, Dazai you should be taking her places. Responsibly of course, not your usual reckless behavior."
(Y/n) looks at Kunikida as he talks then at her husband.
"Kunikida I take my role as soon-to-be father very seriously. I would never put either of them in danger."
"It's ok guys. I'm not that far along. I can drive just fine. Plus I don't drive much anyways, I usually walk."
"That's besides the point (Y/n). He needs to be more careful and take better care of you."
"I feel offended, Kunikida. I-"
"They kicked!" (Y/n) cuts off her husband and smiles at her bump.

"Osa I need to go to the store."
"I'm free so I can come with." Dazai responds and grabs the car keys.
The woman smiles and holds her large bump.
The agent guides her to the car and helps her in. "Buckle up little mystery. We're in for a bumpy ride." He jokes and laughs softly.
(Y/n) laughs quietly as she buckles up.
Her hands rub her bump.
Once Dazai gets into the driver's seat he puts his hand on her stomach.
"I love you both so much." He whispers then starts the car.

"Osamu watch out!" (Y/n) yells.
Dazai's eyes widen as his arm instinctively moves across her body as he tries to avoid the car.
Unfortunately the car smashes right into theirs.
Broken glass, screeching tires and groans of pain.
The speeder hit the passenger side hard and fast.
Due to it being a bigger vehicle Dazai's smaller one flew, tumbling and flipping many times.
When it finally landed it was laying on the driver's side.
Both Dazai and (Y/n) were knocked unconscious.

When Dazai's eyes open he felt disoriented and his vision is blurry.
Finally his eyes focus and he sees a hospital room setting.
His mouth opens but it takes a bit for anything to come out.
"Dazai you're awake."
The said man looks at the speaker only see his partner. "Doppo?"
"I'm here." The blonde whispers.
"(Y/n)," Dazai repeats.
"She and the baby didn't make it." Kunikida informs and pushes up his glasses.

Time stops and Dazai's eyes widen.
"You're lying." He finally whispers. "They can't be dead."
"Dazai the guy hit her side of the car, his truck was twice the size of yours."
"Shut up! Where is she?" The brunette yells and gets up quickly.
A couple nurses rush in and try to get him to relax but he wasn't having it.
"Dazai just because your injuries weren't that bad doesn't mean you can run around. Calm down," Kunikida scolds.
"Where is my wife Doppo Kunikida?"

The blonde sighs and looks away. "She's down in the morgue. The president is arranging funeral plans as we speak."
"Take me there now." Dazai growls and grabs his IV stand.
Kunikida sighs but nods. "Fine."
The two make their way to the morgue and the mortician pulls out her rack.
"I'm so sorry for your loss." He pulls the sheet down and Dazai loses it.

The taller man catches his partner as he collapses to the ground and cries openly.
He yells in anger and pain, pounding the floor.
The man covers her again and pushes the rack in, closing the small door.
Kunikida nods once as the man leaves.
They stay like that for a while before Dazai finally calms down and growls.
"I'll kill him."
"You will do no such thing. You will stay in the hospital until you are recovered and we will hold the service. I know for a fact she would smack you if she heard you right now."
"He killed her and our baby! What do you want me to do?"

The older man pinches the bridge of his nose. "Do you think this doesn't affect me Dazai? Do you think I don't want to put this guy six feet under too? Of course I do! But that won't change anything. Just recover physically and we can deal with the mental effects later."
Dazai wobbles to his feet and with his friend's help goes back to his room.
Kunikida sets Dazai back on the bed and pulls out his notebook.
"Do you think the nurse has bleach on hand?"
"Dazai Osamu this will not skyrocket your suicide attempts. Do you understand?"
The brunette looks out the window, his expression blank. "I promised her I would stop attempting."
"That doesn't mean you get to follow through Dazai."

The nurse walks in and sets a glass of water on his bed tray. "I'm so sorry." She whispers then rushes out of the room.
Dazai looks at the glass then sighs.
"I can bring Yosano if you'd like to speed up the process."
"Don't bother. I'll just stay here for a while."
"Ok then."
"Thanks for putting on a brave face for my sake. Have you punched a wall yet? Maybe cried?"
"Of course I did. You've been unconscious for a couple days. All of us at the agency were devastated. I punched the wall and cried, hoping it wasn't true."
"I lost them both. It wouldn't hurt so much if I had one of them. If I had (Y/n) we could always try again. If I had our child then at least I'd have a piece of her."

"Dazai you aren't ready for parenthood. You should stick to being a workaholic."
"That's you Kunikida. I am a social butterfly."
"Then I expect you to continue socializing when you come back to work when you're healed."
"We'll see how I feel."
"With your condition you should be back in a couple weeks. If you need me before then don't be afraid to call. Unless you call for something stupid then I will hang up immediately."
Dazai manages a small laugh. "You know me too well. I will do everything in my power to ruin your schedule, even from the comfort of my futon at home."
The blonde sighs but nods. "Yes I know. Do you need anything before I leave? Visiting hours are almost done."
The brunette shakes his head. "No. But thanks for visiting. I'll see you later."
Kunikida nods and sighs as he leaves.
Dazai looks from his lap to the multicolored sky.

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