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WATCHING ISABELLE DANCE seductively to distract demons was not something new to Kade. But there was just something that did not sit well with him everytime she would do that— not that he has ever voiced that thought out loud.

The woman in purple dress was also watching her dance. With a nod from Kade, Jace walked behind her, "I hear you've been pedaling mundane blood."

"Why?" The woman asked, "Are you looking to score?"

"I'm not. But you're gonna tell me who is." Jace said as the woman looked in front of her to find Kade standing, blocking her way. He flashed her a smirk, "talk, love. I'm not very patient."

"Is that so?" The woman smirked, eyeing Kade from top to bottom, "you're outnumbered here, hotshot."

"Oh, I like our odds. Last chance." The blade Jace's hand appeared and lit up as did Kade's.

"Watch out!" An unfamiliar voice shouted as a girl rushed inside the room and pushed the woman away from Jace. The woman landed on the couch and when she looked up, her voice was not normal as she snarled, tongues and weird things coming out of it.

"Who the fuck are you?" Kade asked Clary as he pushed her away from the woman who was about to jump at her and stabbed her making her burn into nothingness while the redhead slid onto the ground until she hid the wall in shock.

A man was about to attack Jace but he was held back by Izzy, who had her whip wrapped around his neck. Kade then stabbed that demon as well while Jace turned to Clary, "are you hurt?"

Before Clary could reply, a few demons launched themselves at Jace who was taken aback as his sword fell on the couch. Kade took out his blades from his waistband and threw it at one of them, getting rid of it then he used the other one and threw it at another.

Alec then shot arrows at the other ones while Clary picked Jace's blade up, and was shocked when it lit up. Then Jace pushed a demon into the sword, Clary was clearly scared when it disappeared, leaving traces of burns behind. Ignoring her, Kade, Izzy, Alec and Jace continued to slay the demons and Clary ran out of the room.

Once they had gotten rid of all the demons, the four shadowhunters looked at each other then at the exit where the redhead left.

"That was weird, right?" Isabelle broke the silence that settled between them. They all had several questions running through their heads. One of them being; what the hell just happened? Yet none of them had the answer to that.

"We need to go after her," Jace suggested earning an instant shake of head from Kade, "no, no, we need not."

"Kade's right." Alec agreed, "it was nothing. Let's just forget it."

"How can you just forget about this?" Jace tilted his head to the side, "clearly this girl is a Shadowhunter! She looked so scared— like she didn't know what was going on. We need to help her."

"You go help her," Kade placed his blades back in his waistband, refraining himself from rolling his eyes, "she ruined our mission. If I see her again, I might just strangle her."

"I think Jace's right," Isabelle voiced out, her eyes flickering from each guy in front of her, "I think she's a Shadowhunter. She must be so scared right now..." Her face turned into concern, "poor thing."

"This is a bad idea," Alec shook his head, crossing his arms, "I don't like where this is going."

"Me neither."

"You two never like anything," Jace rolled his eyes, "I'm going to find the girl with or without you guys' help."

And with that, Jace walked out of the place, not sparing a look at his two best friends behind. Alec and Kade exchanged a look while Izzy let out a sigh, "well I guess we will see him back at the Institute."

"Whatever, let's go back." Kade began walking away with the two following him behind. He hated it when his missions were left incomplete. Achieving was just who he was. His last name was Hawthorne and his family was known for being one of the most powerful and best shadowhunter family in the whole world. He did not want to be a disappointment. He was the only last living member of his family and for that, he was in great danger but he didn't know it yet.

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋  ━━ ISABELLE LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now