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“NOW THAT THE CLAVE has control of the Mortal Cup, thanks to your lovely bride-to-be, Mom and Dad can come home now," Isabelle spoke to Alec as she and Kade and the man of the day himself walked out of the elevator, "they arrive tonight."

"I heard," Alec replied, "Max is staying with his tutors in Idris. It’s safer there."

"Now with all the dignitaries arriving for the wedding, Mom must be beside herself."

They walked towards a group of shadowhunters and inspected the silverware that was being polished by them. Alec groaned, "this wedding is becoming more of a headache than I had planned."

"Alec, you don’t have to go through with this if you don’t want to," Isabelle said earning a hum of agreement from Kade, "yeah, Izzy and I could always do it for you." He wasn't being serious and they both knew that. But they also knew that if it came to that, he'd do it.

Alec immediately shook his head at the idea making his sister chuckle as he spoke up, "no, no and no. Marrying Lydia is... It's what I want."

"Is that how I sound like when I lie?" Kade's question was directed to particularly no one. Alec rolled his eyes at his best friend while Isabelle nodded and said something about Alec's words, "okay."

"Okay?" Alec was taken aback by her sudden agreement with his words, "no big argument from you?"

"You stood by me through my trial, and now I’m standing by you, big brother," she flashed him a smile and Alec couldn't help but mirror her expression although he didn't want to get married. He was doing it for his family.

Kade threw his arm around Alec's shoulder as he stood in between him and Isabelle, "oh and we're throwing you a bachelor party."

Alec's steps haltered, his head turning swiftly in Kade's direction, "you're throwing me a what?"

"A bachelor party," Isabelle repeated earning a scoff from Alec, the idea not sitting well with him, "I don’t need a bachelor party."

"No one needs a bachelor party," Isabelle rolled her eyes, "but we’re throwing you one anyways. Actually, Kade and Jace should be the throwing it together, but considering everything he must be going through with Clary, I don’t wanna ask him to do anything. You know what I mean?"

"I do," Alec nodded, smiling slightly at Isabelle, "sisters can really drive you nuts sometimes." Then he walked away leaving the couple alone.

"Can't believe Jace and Clary are siblings," Kade mumbled, "I mean, isn't that absurd? How? When? Do you see the resemblance? Cause I don't."

"So what are you saying?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes at him, "that Valentine lied?"

"Possibly," her boyfriend shrugged, "I mean, I don't know why he would lie but he probably did because I'm not buying that. I really really don't think that these two are related."

"Me neither," Isabelle sighed, "but there's no proof or anything so I guess we're gonna have to take Valentine's word for it. He's got no reason to lie about something like that, does he?"

"Yeah, whatever." Kade reached out to grab her hand, "fuck this shit. Come with me. Let's go somewhere, I'm bored."

Isabelle nodded and smiled as she allowed him to drag her towards his room. She raised his brows at him, "I thought you wanted to go somewhere."

"For one, my room is somewhere," he responded, stopping in front of his door before opening it.

"What, you want to hang out in your room?" Her tone was filled with amusement which made him chuckle as he stepped inside and dragged her along, closing the door behind her.

"Of course not," he finally let go of her hand and turned to her, "have you ever really hung out? Like— been out there? In the streets of New York? Had fun?"

At her silence, he couldn't help but scoff. "See, you're missing out so much. This whole shadowhunter shit prevented you from actually living. It sucks." He walked over to his drawer and took out a pendant with a big stone in the middle. She stared at it with confusion and curiosity, "oh wow— it's pretty."

"It was a birthday gift from Magnus," he approached her again and stood beside her. Then he held the pendant forward and the girl beside her gasped softly when a portal appeared in front of them. "It's a portal."

"No shit," he muttered in amusement, grabbing her hand again, "gonna take you to Paris for a few hours."

"But Alec's wedding—" she began protesting despite how much she was over the moon at the idea of being in Paris alone with him.

"— is not until six hours," he cut her off, "we got time, sweetheart. Let's go unless you don't want to?"

"I want to!" She was quick to say, excitement clear in her voice, "by the angels, are you serious? why wouldn't I want to? Let's go.'

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋  ━━ ISABELLE LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now