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KADE WALKED IN the restaurant and found Alec and Lydia examining the body if the forsaken.

"What'd you find out?" Kade questioned Luke who shrugged as he looked down at Lydia, "what about you, Branwell? Found anything?"

"I can't tell. It's probably a forsaken." Lydia sighed before standing up. Kade hummed at her before crouching down to examine the body.

"Not exactly a forsaken. It’s got some of it's characteristics though," Kade muttered, "shit was human, it was runed." He then stood up and turned to Luke, "what does it want with you?"

"I don’t know." Luke sighed, "It was more focused, more determined. It attacked like it had a plan. Plus, a normal Forsaken wouldn’t have been so hard to kill. It took five wolves to take that thing down. Never seen anything like it."

"We’ll take the body back to the Institute, do a full autopsy." Lydia earning a frown from Luke, "oh, hold up. I get that I called you… Actually, I called Kade and Alec. But what I didn’t want is someone to come down here and just take over."

"Yeah, that’s kind of her thing." Alec spoke making Lydia glance at him before looking back at Luke, "look, I know I can come across… abrasive but we’re all on the same side here. Can we agree on that? The Institute has the resources to find out what this thing is."

"We have an expert forensic pathologist." Alec informed while Kade allowed himself to add, "highly trained in all the creatures of the Shadow World. The best, really."

"Do you have one here? In this, uh, Chinese restaurant?" Lydia asked raising her brows at Luke who sighed, giving in, "fine, you win. Just let me know what you find."

"You think Valentine was behind this?" Alec asked Luke who nodded, "no question. It’s definitely his work."

"What do you think he’s after?" Alec asked Luke who stayed silent.

"Luke, I'm betting," Kade nodded in the Alpha's direction, "he's still jealous cause you stole his girl." Luke rolled his eyes at that while Lydia raised her brows at Kade, "so you think Valentine’s going after ex-Circle members?"

"Maybe," Luke shrugged, "it might be kind of personal. We have a complicated past, like Kade said. But of course, he could be going after the old crew. I’m sure Valentine has a grudge against anybody who turned against him."

"We’ll put extra wards on the Institute." Lydia said to which Alec hum, "Right, for Hodge."

"And your parents." Lydia added earning an alerted look from Alec.  "Did they conceal that from you?" Without saying anything, he walked out of the restaurant, feeling betrayed by his own parents while Kade furrowed his brows, even he didn't know about that.

"What, you didn't know either?" Lydia asked to which he shook his head, "no, I didn't."

"I'm sorry," her face had guilt written all over it, "I did not know. I didn't want you guys to find it out this way. I thought you knew, really."

"It's fine," he waved her off, "I'm gonna go back to the institute. I guess I'll see you around."

Without bothering to give her the chance to say anything else, he took off in the same direction as Alec, questions running on his mind about Maryse and Robert.


Kade entered the autopsy room where Alec and Lydia were examining the body they brought in earlier.

"We need to make sure no magic was used to make this. I’m calling the nearest High Warlock to come in to consult."  Lydia's voice made Alec's ears perk up, "Magnus Bane? To come here to the Institute?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" She questioned to which he shook his head and kept silent while Kade smirked at him.

"Do you know him well?" Lydia asked Alec who replied with, "just a little."

"I actually can’t wait to meet him," Lydia smiled, "did you know that my great ancestor, Henry Branwell, who was the last of the Branwells to run an Institute, and Magnus Bane invented the Portal?"

"No," Alec shot her a blank look, "just add that to the list of things I didn’t know."

"Alec," Lydia sighed, "I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have had to find out your parents were ex-Circle members. Not like that."

"You mean from you?" The Lightwood questioned, "you shouldn’t have been the one I found out from."

"You know there’s been a ban about talking about the Circle till now." Lydia said making him scoff, "Yeah, how convenient for my parents."

"This doesn’t change how I feel about the Lightwoods." Lydia pursed her lips in a thin line, "your family has always had a strong alliance with mine. They’ve been a powerful force in the Shadow World and praised for their devotion."

"Devotion?" Alec repeated, the idea disgusting him, "my parents were in league with Valentine."

"People make mistakes."

"Yeah, but this one..." Alex paused, "it’s unforgivable."

"Let's not be dramatic, all right?" Kade decided to intervene, "they are your parents and they made a mistake. I'm sure they regret it, Alec. Don't do any stupid shit that you'll end up regretting."

Alec stared at Kade for a few seconds before letting out a loud sigh, "I won't. I don't know what to do anymore."

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