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"DO YOU THINK RED’S MY colour?" Izzy asked Clary who smiled, "Iz, with a body like yours, everything’s your colour."

"Good point. Damn, I make this necklace look so good." Izzy said with a smirk making Alec scowl beside Kade who were both walking behind the girls, "will you take it off? I’m certain Magnus Bane doesn’t want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange."

"You know, I wouldn’t be so sure. Most men like it when I admire their jewels." She said making Kade clench his jaw, not liking the idea of her doing what she just said. He sighed, "can you just give it to Jace?"

"You are such a buzzkill." Izzy took the necklace off and handed it to Jace as they entered the place.

"Blend in." Jace spoke up, "but keep your weapons ready."

"Come on," Isabelle grabbed Kade's hand and dragged him in the crowd of people before he could say anything. He looked around once they were in the middle of people, "what are you doing?"

"Blending in," she placed his hands on either side of her waist and threw hers around his neck, pulling him close. Kade was taken aback by that but he didn't complain.

"Look, I don't like how we've grown apart," she spoke after a minute of silence. He stared right at her face which was inches away from his. The heels she was wearing gave her an advantage in height. "Can we please fix whatever it is that went wrong between us?"

"Nothing we—" he could not finish his sentence as he interrupted her, "— Don't lie to me. You're not being yourself with me."

"I—" he cut himself off when his eyes landed on a man who was creeping up behind Magnus who was holding a conversation with Clary and Jace. "— okay, fine. Whatever you want." He said and was about to do something about the man behind Magnus. However, before he could, Alec was quick to act as he fired at arrow at the guy.

"Come on," Kade grabbed Isabelle's hand and began walking to where the man lied. Alec crouched down and examined his neck before announcing that he was a circle member.

Magnus gave Kade a smile before his eyes fell on Alec, "who are you?" He asked in a low voice which made Alec furrow his brows while Kade raised his, a knowing look settling on his features. "Hello, Kade."

"Magnus," Kade nodded in acknowledgement as Magnus said to him, "unfortunately I no longer have her memories, sorry I cannot help." The warlock then turned to Clary, "Valentine has found us. I warned your mother this might happen and now he's not only after the cup but after you as well. This is the last chance I'm giving you. Come with me."

"No." Clary shook her head. Magnus sighed before leaving while Clary began shouting for him to come back.

"The area’s secure. Looks like he was the only assassin." Izzy said to which Alec replied as he pointed to the dead man, "He has a Circle rune on the base of his neck."

"They found us. It’s not safe here. Clary, we have to go." Jace said and they started to walk away.  Kade still held Isabelle's hand as he practically dragged her out of the club, not wanting for them to be attacked or anything. Izzy then glanced behind, seeing Clary still behind as she said, "Jace," making the blonde stop to look at Clary.

The redhead had her hands on her knees as she was breathing heavily as Jace approached her, "Clary, we have to move."

"I’m catching my breath." She said earning a scoff from Alec, "you know, this is great. And not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace. This is fantastic—"

Alec was cut off by Jace, "Alec, the girl… her name is Clary and I highly suggest you keep your voice down."

"Why?" Kade stepped in, "are you afraid he's gonna upset her?" Jace sighed at his friend as Alec continued, "we’ve risked our lives again and again for this girl, and where has it gotten us? All right? Nowhere. We’re no closer to getting the Mortal Cup. And we’ve lost the Institute’s necklace."

"Hey, I am right here!" Clary snapped at Alec, "I don’t care about your damn jewelry. I’m sorry you’re gonna look bad in front of your bosses, okay?" She sighed, "my mother is still missing and my… my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air."

"Clary, it’s gonna be fine." Jace tried to calm the redhead down but she just shook her head, "no, it’s not. People are dying because of me. And Magnus? Magnus will never come out of hiding again while Valentine is still after him. We’re never gonna find him. And I will… I will never get my memories back."

"You give up way too easy," Jace looked down at Magnus’ button in his hand and walked a little further from them. Clary furrowed her brows, "what is he doing?"

"He’s tracking Magnus," Alec replied, "be quiet and keep your distance."

"The button belonged to Magnus," Isabelle further explained, "Jace can pinpoint the location using that."  The button in Jace’s hand started glowing then stopped making him sigh, "No. The signal’s not strong enough. Magnus must be blocking the track." He looked at his parabatais, "let’s do this, guys."

"No need, I already know where he is," Kade said, his tone filled with amusement as he stared at Jace and Alec who were both shooting him ‘are you serious’ looks. 

"And you couldn't have told us that like five minutes ago?" Jace asked to which Kade shook his head, "nope. It was funny seeing you try and fail." With Isabelle's hand still in his, he began walking away, "come on, people. Let's go."

"Child," Alec muttered under his breath earning a breathless laugh from Jace before they both started to follow him.

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