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KADE HAWTHORNE WOULD be on the ground right now if not for the chains on his wrists holding him up.He was a bloodied mess.

His brown hair was damp with sweat, sticking on his forehead the the sides of his face, his shirt was off, revealing his runes-filled body which was covered in his blood that was coming out of the several fresh scars coating his body.

He was barely holding on.

He had no way of healing unless for Valentine himself to activate his iratze which he highly doubted he ever would. He knew that even though the healing rune would get rid of the pain, there was absolutely no way all those scars would fade away. They were too deep, they seemed permanent. Kade was sure that if he ever was to get out of there, those scars would look at him, reminding him of the horrible things he was currently going through.

Despite all that, he kept going- knowing that he had to make it out of there alive for Isabelle, Alec, Jace and even Max.

"Kade," the familiar voice filled his ears making him put on his stone cold face once more. He refused to give in to Valentine's torture. He was not going to give the man that satisfaction.

Kade wasn't in just another cell. In fact, he was pretty excluded from the other prisoners. He was in a dark room where he could hear nothing and no one except when someone would walk in the place either to torture him or to question him which would later turn into beating since he wouldn't answer them.

He wasn't given food whatsoever. Valentine would just activate his nourishment rune every now and then to make sure he would not lose consciousness or die on him.

Valentine Morgenstern did not want to kill Kade. No, he wanted to break him. To make him his personal punching bag. It gave the man a sense of power knowing that the last Hawthorne- the most powerful shadowhunter was at his mercy— among other reasons.

"Look at you," Valentine spat, grabbing Kade's jaw as he forced him to look at him, "you look pathetic."

"Well done," Kade let out sarcastically, his voice raspy, "you made me look like you. We're twinning, that's sweet."

"That mouth," Valentine smirked, "it's going to get you killed someday, you know that? You better watch it."

"Around you?" The Hawthorne questioned, looking at the man with eyes holding nothing but hatred and fury, "never."

Valentine tutted, shaking his head, "you always make me want to beat the crap out of you. This might seem hard to believe but sometimes, I do not come in here with the intention of torturing you." He began rolling up his sleeves, "but when I look at you and when I hear your voice... It makes me sick."

"Why'd you kill them?" Kade asked, dismissing his words. "My parents," he clarified.

"They were a threat," Valentine answered, taking out a blade from his pocket, "they were in the way of what I wanted to do. So, I killed them like many others. They were just collateral damage, really."

Kade let out a humorless laugh, despite the pain which filled his body right after. The man raised his brows, staring at him with confusion, "boy, did I finally break you, hmm? Are you going to go full psycho on me now?"

"No, I'm just thinking of how—" he spoke in between his laugh, "pathetic you actually are."

Valentine clenched his jaw and brought the blade up to his chest before he dug it in his skin- deep but now enough to make him bleed out much. Kade closed his eyes and bit his lip at the pain but he didn't let a sound out. He could tell Valentine was growing annoyed at his resistance as he trailed the blade down, opening his skin.

"I wish I had taken this much time to torture your parents instead of giving them a quick death," he said making Kade look at him with a glare, "you're sick."

"Oh, me?" Valentine chuckled, "I don't think so. But you, on the other hand-" He tossed the blade aside and punched him right in the new wound he just gave him making blood ooze out of it. Again, he refused to let any sound out as he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. "Did you know that your mom was pregnant when I killed her?"

"What?" Kade's voice was just a whisper as he asked, hoping he didn't hear that right. He had always wanted a sibling every time he'd see Alec, Isabelle and Max's relationship. Knowing that he could've had one if Valentine had not ruin his life just made him angrier and sadder.

"A girl," Valentine said, a sick smile on his face, "you were going to have a little sister. Your mother... She begged me to spare the child at least but I didn't."

"Stop talking."

That only made Valentine grin as he continued, "in fact, her stomach was the first place I stabbed her."

"You're sick."

"— I heard her cries when she held onto her stomach while her child died," Valentine continued making Kade close his eyes, his jaw clenched as he tried not to listen, knowing his words were reaching him. "Then I slashed her throat."

"I'm going to kill you once I'm out of these," he tugged on the chains. "Your death will be slow and painful and fuck if you think I'm handing you to the god damn clave so you can have a quick one."

"Oh, I promise you—" Valentine dug a blade in his chest then cut his skin open, "you're never getting out of here."

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