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KADE WAS LYING ON his bed, staring at the ceiling. It was around 10:00 pm when he heard the door to his room open which made him turn to look only to find Isabelle standing there.

"Fancy seeing you here," he faked a British accent which made her lips twitch up in amusement as she walked in, closing the door behind her.

He allowed his eyes to trail over her figure, taking in her appearance. She had a white crop top on and a pair of white matching shorts and it didn't surprise him for he was aware how comfortable she was with her body.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" He questioned, not saying anything about the fact that she had now walked over to his bed and sat down beside him. It was nothing new— she used to do that a lot until recently. She would come in his room and they'd spend the night together. 

"Overthinking," she sighed, "what about you? Is the ceiling that interesting?" She looked up at the ceiling as she said that. He hummed, his voice sarcastic as he replied, "very."

She lied down beside him and pulled the cover of her as well while he said nothing, "let's sleep."

"I'd rather not," he turned to face her, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "let's do something else."

Upon seeing the look in his eyes, she knew exactly what he had in mine and couldn't help but blush. She was glad that the lights were off and that he was unable to see.

"Like what?" She asked although she knew. He dragged his bottom lip in between his teeth before bringing a hand to her face and trailed his thumb across her lips. "Like this—" in one swift movement, he hovered over her and kissed her.

"I like this," she muttered in between the kiss as he dragged his tongue across her lower lip, pulling it before sliding his tongue inside her mouth and fought with hers for dominance. She didn't put much of a fight while he sucked on her tongue, his hands found themselves beside her on the bed to hold his body up as he carefully straddled her.

He broke the kiss, staring at her in the eyes, "oh I'm sure you do," he lowered his head to her neck, closing his eyes at the sensation of her fingers tugging at his hair. Her breath hitched when he felt his lips on her neck, kissing and nibbling on the tender skin. One of his hand made it's way to her bare waist where he dug his fingers in her skin as he bit her neck and ran his tongue over it.

"Oh my god—" she moaned softly, fluttering her eyes shut at the sensation. She has dreamt of this moment; of Kade and herself, together. She has the biggest crush on him ever since she was around thirteen. At first it was just a random harmless little crush but then it turned into something more over the years. All of this felt surreal to her.

He moved his face to hers again and claimed her lips on more time. As she kissed him back, he rolled them over, switching their positions so that she was the one straddling him. She adjusted herself and resumed kissing him while he traced the sides of her arms.

Isabelle then broke the kiss to catch her breath before moving her head to his neck where she began planting kisses and sucking his skin making him groan in contentment while resting his hands on either sides of her lips, holding them tightly.

Without thinking twice, she began moving her hips, grinding on him as she felt desperate for some friction. When she felt him just above her, she couldn't help but want more.

"Fuck—" Kade dug his fingers in her hips, "— what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She asked back and slowly rolled her hips and threw her head back, closing her eyes at the sensation. Kade sighed, sitting up straight and began kissing her neck while she continued moving her hips on him, pleasuring herself and him at the same time.

He allowed his head to fall back on the mattress, his eyes clouded with lust as he stared at her before beginning to guide her hips to meet with his own thrusts. He never thought he'd ever be dry humping and that too, with his best friend's little sister but there he was.

She moaned through her heaving breathing, looking down at him to find that he was already staring at her. She gave him a small seductive smile and began moving slowly, making sure to make him hit the right spots while he groaned, moving his hands from her hips to wander under her crop top. Her breath hitched when she felt his touch which sent butterflies straight in her stomach.

He traced the skin under her breasts while maintaining eye contact with her before he softly cupped them earning a loud gasp from her. His fingers teased along the edge of her bodice until his thumb went right over her nipple. He swallowed her moan by sitting up straight and kissing her again while playing with her. His tongue went past her lips, almost going down her throat while she continued rubbing herself on him, desperate for release.

"Are you close?" He broke the kiss and asked, noticing how she had quickened her pace. She nodded, bringing her hands to his hair where she tangled her fingers. Kade smirked before removing one hand from under her shirt to her hair where he roughly pulled making her close her eyes as he thrusted his hips upwards, hard, sending a wave of pleasure through her.

"Open your eyes," he ordered, his voice raspy, "I want you to look at me when you come."

She obeyed and opened her eyes but it was hard to keep them open as the pleasure was intense. "I c—can't."

"Yeah, you can," he thrusted harder, "open your fucking eyes." And she did, struggling to keep them open while they kept closing every now and then everytime she'd feel him. "Good girl," he muttered which soaked her even more. The whole thing felt absolutely erotic as he thrusted his hips up a few more times while his fingers toyed with her hard nipple all while they stared at each other. One last thrust and that was all it took.

She shuddered and moaned as she came undone while he kept his eyes fixed on her face, taking in her expression. He was yet to meet with his release so he kept thrusting a few more times, harsher than before while lowering his head to the crook of her neck where he bit the skin rather harshly but not enough to hurt her as he chased his own release.


Well that was... something. Anywayssss thanks for reading. I'm gonna try and finish this story within 2 weeks, give or take. Ty for 4K reads <3

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