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MARYSE AND ROBERT WERE in their office, talking about the problems at hand when Robert decided to bring up Kade and Isabelle's relationship.

"Maybe making Alec marry is not our only option."

"What do you mean?" Maryse asked, still reluctant to address to him properly— after what he did. "Pray, tell, what other option do we have?"

"Kade and Isabelle are in a relationship," Robert was quick to say, "I mean, at least, that's what I think."

"You think?" Maryse scoffed, turning to face her husband with an irritated expression, "I need more than think— that's not a confirmation. Besides, what are you assuming? That they should be the ones getting married instead of Alec?"

"That is exactly what I'm saying," Robert nodded, "I mean, it's a win-win. They like each other and Kade is the last Hawthorne. What's better than restoring our family name than getting Isabelle married to him?"

"Isabelle is not ready for married life," Maryse said, shaking her head at the idea of her getting married, "and I doubt Kade would want that. Isabelle is young and he is what, twenty? They're both young and immature. Alec is twenty three and mature— he understands the prospect of family. He knows what needs to be done."

"Kade and Isabelle's marriage would clear our name, Maryse!" Robert exclaimed, "and he won't say no to us. He has been wanting to help. Well, this is how—"

"— I said no." Maryse interrupted her husband, "Kade is not getting married to Isabelle to restore our name. It's Alec's duty to get married. We both know that Isabelle is not ready so stop arguing with me."

"Kade will treat her good—" Robert attempted again, "— we both know that they're in love with each other."

"Robert, I said no." Maryse shook her head at her husband, "like I said, they're both too young and immature. I'm not asking Kade to ruin his life because of a mistake our family did. Do you not realise how unfair that is?"

"I do but..." Robert trailed off, sighing, "I'm sure he'd want to."

"He'd want to," Maryse repeated, "of course he'd want to. He's ready to do anything to help us. But we can't ask more of him. You know that. He's only twenty. Let's be reasonable here, please. They may like each other or be in love but it never stays the same, does it?" She shot him an accusing look making him advert his eyes in guilt. "They're still learning, both of them. So leave them be. Do not pressurise either of them."

Robert finally nodded and let out a long sigh. "Fine."

"Good," Maryse walked towards the door, "both Alec and Isabelle have their own roles to play." Then she walked out of the room.


Kade walked into a room where he saw Isabelle and Max who was telling her the names of runes while she showed him pictures.

"What about this one?" She asked Max who replied with, "nourishment."

"Max—" she shot him a playful glare, "— you know that's the heat rune."

"Oh, right," Max laughed while Isabelle lunged at him, "come here, you little devil. I’m gonna get you."

He kept on laughing while Isabelle looked up at Kade and flashed him a smile which he returned just as Max spoke, "so are you two together now?"

"Something like that," Kade replied before Isabelle could and she was glad he did because she did not know what was going on between them either. Sure, they made out like two times but were they dating? Was it just a random fling?

"Dad said that Alec's gonna marry," Max turned to face Kade who took out a packet of chocolate and handed it to him. The younger Lightwood thanked him and took it while Kade said, "do you want him to?"

"Honestly? No," he opened the foil and took a bite, "but dad says it's important he does that."

Before either of them could say anything to what Max said, Maryse walked in, "Max, could we have a moment?"

He signed making Kade ruffle his hair as he went towards the door. "I never get to hear the good stuff," he mumbled on his way out.

"I’m sorry," Maryse instantly said to Isabelle, "I didn’t mean to be so harsh."

"I’m used to it by now," Isabelle muttered, glancing at Kade who sat down on the couch. He figured since Maryse didn't ask him to leave then she had something to say to him as well so he waited.

"I wish you could understand how hard it is to be your own children’s commander." Maryse said earning a blank look from her daughter, "you’ve made your priorities pretty clear."

"In times of war—" Maryse was cut off by Isabelle, "— we’re always at war, Mom. So spare me your parenting excuses."

"Isabelle," she sighed, "I’m trying to protect all of us. I’m trying to protect you."

"And how exactly does what you’re doing to Alec protect me?"

"You remind me so much of me," the older woman smiled making her bit her lip, "if that were true, I would actually be impressed."

"Trust me, you wouldn’t," Maryse looked down, "when I was your age, I thought I had everything figured out. I thought I could change the world by breaking the rules."

"You broke the rules?" Isabelle questioned, surprised. Even Kade was taken aback by that. He had always thought that Maryse was always the serious woman she showed them. "Where did that person go?"

"She was stupid," Maryse replied, glancing at Kade, "she confused passion with strength."

"So passion makes you weak?" Isabelle asked to which she shook her head, taking a step closer to her, "no. Passion makes you dangerous. That’s why you’re not ready for the responsibility you think you are." She looked at Kade, "I know you think that you can do something to help and you can but I'm afraid we can't ask more of you. This has to be fixed by us. We caused this problem. Don't worry about it."

"But Alec is my—" she interrupted him, "— I know. I've got this handled, Kade. Thank you."

He bit his lip and glanced at Isabelle before sighing, "fine. But if things do not work out— I'll do something."

"All right," Maryse nodded, "I doubt they won't though."

"Yeah, yeah," he stood up and ran a hand through his hair— a habit he picked up whenever he was pissed or nervous, "we'll see about that."

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋  ━━ ISABELLE LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now