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KADE WENT IN ALEC'S ROOM after having taken a shower. The two were talking about how Jace acted with Clary around and how incredibly mad it made them when Isabelle walked in his room and they instantly zipped their mouths shut as if they were not just gossiping like a bunch of teenagers.

"Mom’s in rare form today," Isabelle informed the two earning a huff from Alec, "she’s been different since she got back from Idris."

"If you say so," Isabelle shrugged, "same old judgmental Mom with me. Have you spoken to Jace yet?"

"He can call me when he’s done chasing the little girl and—" Isabelle interrupted before he could finish, "—Alec, you need to call Jace."

"I'm with Alec on this one," Kade muttered just as Robert appeared in the doorway and spoke up, grabbing the attention of the three Shadowhunters, "no “welcome home” for the old man?"

"Max!" Alec exclaimed, ecstatic at the sight of his younger brother who instantly rushed into his arms as he knelt down to get at his level while Isabelle went to hug her dad.

Kade's lips twitched up at both interactions and he felt his heart clench as he remembered the fact that his parents were both dead and that he was never getting this sort of affection ever again. A frown appeared on his face at that thought. He missed them more than anything. He had absolutely no family members left. He was alone— the last Hawthorne and he hated it.

"Kade!" Max called out, snapping him back from his thoughts. Kade looked at the youngest Lightwood and saw that he was standing and waiting to be hugged with open arms. "What, you forgot me already?"

"I would never," Kade replied and bent down at his level before hugging him as well. He ruffled his hair before breaking the hug as Alec questioned, "what are you doing back so soon?"

"Got in trouble in Mumbai," Max replied, giving Kade a sheepish look which made him bite his lips to hide a smile and that did not go unnoticed by the others present in the room.

"Oh," Alec raised his brows, giving Kade a knowing look, "what’d you do?"

"Nothing," Max was quick to reply earning a sigh from Robert, "he started a fire with his stele during rune studies."

"Max," Isabelle playfully scolded as she went to hug him as well. He hugged her back and looked at his father, "I told you, I was hungry. I was trying to draw the Nourishment rune."

"Those two runes look nothing alike, Max," Alex sighed earning a shrug from him, "well, they do to me."

"Max, go up to your room," Robert said seriously, "open the Gray Book and look up the Extinguish rune."

Max rolled his eyes, mouthing a ‘later’ to Kade before bumping his fist with him then he walked out. Robert rubbed his forehead and looked at Kade, "I'm guessing that's on you."

He feigned innocence, "what's on me?"

"This whole burnt down the Mumbai institute thing," Robert clarified, raising his brows, "you've always had a problem with it's leader."

"Good to see you too, Robert." Kade flashed him a small smile, changing the course of the conversation. Robert rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless before addressing another matter, "where is Clary Fairchild? Your mother said she’s missing."

"She’s not missing," Alec corrected, "she’s with Jace."

"We can’t have that girl out of Institute control," Robert spoke seriously, "the entire Shadow World is looking for her. It’s a security risk. Get them both back here now."

Alec sighed and left his room to call Jace and Robert walked out shortly after. Kade was left in the room alone with Isabelle who turned to him and her voice was low as she spoke, "Kade."


"Were you jealous back at the seelie realm?" The question flew out of her mouth before she could stop herself. He turned to her and raised his brows, "what, you mean when that elf was basically throwing himself all over you? Yeah, I was."

She smiled, not expecting him to give that answer. She thought he was going to deny. "You have nothing to be jealous of, you know? Meliorn and I just friends and he's not an elf."

He scoffed, "he sure looks like one."

She shook her head helplessly and sighed before deciding to point out that she noticed earlier, "I saw that look earlier."

"Hmm?" He looked at her, faking confusion, "what look?"

"You know what I'm taking about," she crossed her arms as she tried to appear intimidating. She sighed when he stayed quiet, "you know you can talk to me, right?"

"I'd rather talk to you about last night," he spoke and couldn't help but smirk when her eyes widened slightly and her face heated up.

Isabelle bit her lip and feigned confusion, much like he was doing a few seconds ago, "what happened last night?"

"You don't remember?" He raised his brows and narrowed his eyes when she shook her head, muttering, "no, not at all. What happened?"

"I should remind you then," he took a step closer— a move she wasn't expecting. Without giving her the chance to say anything further, he placed a hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him before claiming her lips. Her eyes fluttered shut at the contact and her hands immediately found his hair as she tugged on them while he deepened the kiss, his tongue entering her mouth.

"Not here," she whispered in between the kiss, "let's go to my room."

"All right," he replied, breaking the kiss before grabbing untying her hair in one go. "I like it better down." He stated which made her smile while he grabbed her hand as they walked out of Alec's room and went to hers, relieved when there was nobody in the hallway.

Once they entered her room, Kade shut the door and pushed her against the wall beside it, kissing her again.

Their lips moved in sync as she traced her hands on his chest, feeling him through the fabric before unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt. One of his hand was on the wall beside her head while the other one was around her neck, not that she minded it. He then trailed it lower, tracing her cleavage and stopped at her hip before lowering his head to her neck where he kissed and sucked on her skin.

Isabelle let out a small moan which made him smirk against her as he lowered his head again and ran the tip of his tongue along her collarbone. He was about to go further when he heard footsteps and instantly stopped his actions.

She frowned, not having heard anything since she was too preoccupied, "what happened?"

He placed a finger to her lips, shushing her before whispering, "someone's coming."

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