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KADE, ALEC AND JACE WERE walking around the place, looking for Clary while Isabelle went to rescue Simon. They heard some voices which made them follow it. Their steps haltered when they saw Luke carrying Clary on his shoulders, saying things to her that they weren't able to hear.

"Clary!" Jace exclaimed, knocking Luke out without second thoughts while Kade looked down at the familiar guy and ran a hand through his hair. "Wrong guy, Jace," he commented while the blonde took care of the redhead, "wrong guy."

Jace ignored Kade's words, turning to Clary, "you okay?"

"I will be," Clary replied, "as soon as we find Simon."

While Alec, Jace and Clary ran away, Kade looked down at Luke and nudged him, "hey," he bent down, "wake up. Come on, dog. Sit—"

"— Call me dog again and I will kill you," Luke mumbled, slowly opening his eyes which made Kade smirk at him. "Can't believe you were knocked out by some kid."

"A Shadowhunter," Luke defended, sitting up straight as he groaned. "What happened?"

"They thought you were gonna hurt Clary," Kade shrugged, getting up before giving the man a hand to help him get up his feet as well.

"It's Theo," Luke explained, "he wants the cup. I'd never hurt Clary, you know that. She's Jocelyn's daughter—"

"— and Valentine's," Kade interrupted, raising his brows at the older man, "you forgot to tell me that little piece of information, did you?"

He sighed, "look, we'll talk about this later, okay? Right now, they need help."

"Right," Kade bit his lip, looking around then back to the werewolf, "you gotta fight Theo."

"Are you insane?" Luke furrowed his brows, "he's stronger, he's the alpha—"

Kade interrupted, giving him a serious look, "I'll injure him first, weaken him him then you'll win. Trust yourself—" he stopped mid-sentence when he heard noises. "— I gotta go help them, Luke. You've got to do this." He patted his shoulders before running to the others.

"There he is!" Jace exclaimed at the sight of Kade who made their way towards them, "we thought the werewolves got to you!"

"Well, they didn't." Kade joined the group, his eyes flickering to Isabelle who gave him a small smile which he returned with a taunting one, "was someone worried?"

"In your dreams," the younger Lightwood muttered, both of them fully aware that she was lying.

"Wait, wait, the box," Clary turned to the group, "my backpack. I think I left it at the loft."

"No, we’ve got it," Alec said, "I didn’t screw up everything."

"Let’s get outta here, then." Simon said and took a step forward only to be pulled back by Kade who noticed all the werewolves surrounding them, "hold up. We're surrounded."

"This can’t be good," Jace sighed as the others held their weapons tightly, getting ready to fight.

"Everyone, stay together." Alec spoke while Simon went to stand nearer to the group, "believe me, I’m not going anywhere."

Just then, the door was opened and a huge wolf walked out, baring his teeth at them.

"Everyone, get back, that’s their alpha leader," Jace shouted and Kade could not stop himself from correcting the blonde. "It's either Alpha or Leader— not both."

"Not the time, Kade."

"Hey, it's always the time to correct you." He shot back as the Alpha began running towards them. Just as he jumped, Kade threw one of his blades at him. The blade buried itself in it's stomach and they all watched as he fell on the ground, whimpering in pain.

"Woah—" Simon was cut off when a loud growl was heard. Another wolf came and began fighting the alpha.

"He's challenging the alpha," Alec pointed out while Clary stated the obvious, "he’s helping us!"

"Or cutting in line to kill us," Simon piped in resulting in a sigh from Kade but he said nothing when the fight end. Theo, who was now human lied on the ground, dead.

"The alpha is dead," Isabelle pointed put while the other Wolf shifted into Luke earning a gasp from Clary, "oh, my God, Luke."

All the other werewolves started howling before they transformed into humans.

"What?" Clary breathed out as the humans began kneeling to Luke who was standing, "what is it? What’s happening?"

"When a werewolf kills the alpha lea—" Jace cut himself off, looking at Kade who was giving him a smile, "— the alpha, he becomes the new alpha. Your friend Luke’s the leader of the pack now."

"Good boy," Kade said which made Jace roll his eyes while Luke stared at Clary, his chest heaving up and down as he clenched his jaw in pain, "Clary…"

The redhead rushed to Luke but got pulled back by Jace, "no."

"Let her," Kade nodded as Jace let go of Clary's hand, allowing her to rush to Luke who spoke, "I promised your mother I’d always protect you," he then fell on the ground, unconscious.

"Luke!" Clary exclaimed, fear laced in her tone as she knelt down to her father figure, "Oh, my God!"

"Shit," Kade muttered, walking over to the werewolf before looking at his wounds. He looked at Clary who was crying as she stayed on the ground near the alpha. The redhead turned to Kade, "Is he going to be okay?"

"Doubt that— at least, not without instant help." He replied honestly, pursing his lips which only made Clary sob harder.

Alec turned to Jace, "Hey! We need to get Clary back to the Institute and stay out of Downworlder business."

"Why don’t you stay out of it?" Jace snapped, "I’m gonna help Clary."

"We have to report back to our mother," Alec said making Jace look at him, "you and Isabelle can do that."

"I’ll be fine on my own," Jace said to Alec as Kade looked at Clary, "his wounds are deep. Only a warlock’s magic can cure an alpha’s bite."

"We have to get him to Magnus," The redhead said earning a nod from Jace, "hey, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do."

"Clary, we gotta go." Simon said, holding Clary's hand while Jace and Kade helped Luke up, "we have to get him to his car."

Kade stayed behind while Jace, Clary and Simon took Luke away to help him. He walked back to where Alec and Isabelle were standing as the black haired Shadowhunter asked her brother, "are you two okay?"

Knowing that she was asking about him and Jace, Alec sighed, "I don’t know."

"All right, loves." Kade threw his arm around the siblings, standing in between them, "let's go back to the institute." Alec rolled his eyes at the name but said nothing while Isabelle smiled as they set off back to the institute.

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