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KADE, ISABELLE, ALEC AND JACE stared at Meliorn who was being put on a couch for interrogation on the monitor.

"This is insane." Isabelle muttered, shaking her head, "we have to put a stop to this."

"Yeah, well, enjoy Portaling back to Idris with Mom and Dad." Alec's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Meliorn is here because of me." Isabelle said to which Jace sighed, "Alec’s right. There’s nothing we can do to stop this interrogation."

"You’re on Alec’s side now?" Isabelle asked Jace making Alec look at her, "We swore to protect each other, of course he’s on my side."

"I’m not picking sides. Jace Wayland is Switzerland. We have got to find Valentine. Let’s let this play out, Izzy. Meliorn might have some important information." Jace said as they all stared at the monitor.

"Jace's right," Kade hummed in agreement, "I wanna see him spilling some tea."

"Forensics don’t lie." Lydia spoke to Meliorn, "tell me what you know about the blood in the Forsaken."

"Have you considered that the blood in the Forsaken came from our dead scouts? Scouts sent to help you hunt for Valentine. Why do you think we would side with a murderer?" Meliorn asked Lydia as the others watched through the monitor.

"Seelies always play both sides." Lydia said earning a smug look from the seelie, "you should talk to your own people about playing sides."

"Excuse me?" Lydia frowned, confused.

"You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?" Meliorn smirked, "if only you, shadowhunters had a better relationship with us, Downworlders, you’d know that Valentine’s daughter has the Cup and that Kade Hawthorne is aware of that yet he said nothing."

"That little fucker is trying to get me in trouble," Kade mused and watched as Lydia sigh, "there's absolutely nothing we can do against Kade. He's royalty and we know that he'll never side with Valentine. But if Clary has the cup then she needs to be stopped."

Isabelle looked at Kade, Jace and Alec, "still think we should let this play out?"


Kade and Isabelle were in his room and while Isabelle had a plan going on in her mind, she wasn't sure whether she should tell Kade about it for she was uncertain that he would agree to it.

Kade was sitting on his bed, tired after all the events that occured that day. He needed to talk with Imogen about this whole thing but he had absolutely no idea what to say.

His eyes fell on Isabelle who was beside him, also deep in thought. He decided to speak up, "hey, you okay?"

"Fine," she muttered, turning to look at him, giving him a suggestive look, "we have three hours to kill."

"What, right now?" He raised his brows, amused at what he knew she was asking. She nodded, "we both need to get our minds off things," she then stood up and sat on his lap, her face to his while he placed his hands on either side of her waist.

"Three hours," he repeated, a smirk reaching his face, "that's way less time than I had in mind for our first time but I suppose it will work."

"Oh I'm sure it will," she mumbled, a smile appearing onto her face as she lowered her head and kissed him. Kade dug his fingers into her hips as he kissed her back, turning them over so he was hovering over her.

He took off his shirt and helped her take off hers. He instantly latched his lips to her neck, kissing and sucking the skin. She moaned when he found her spot and softly bit it before running his tongue over again and again. She writhed under him, her hands gripping his hair right as one of his hand reached out to her back and unclasped her bra. He tossed it aside and lowered his head to her breast where he began sucking her nipple, rolling his tongue over it and biting it occasionally while his other hand pleased the other breast. She was moaning in pleasure while he did things to her that she has only ever dreamt of.

He then began kissing down her stomach, finally reaching the waistband of her pants. He trailed his fingers along it, looking up at her, "can I?"

She instantly nodded her head and lifted her hips, allowing him to take them off which he did along with her underwear. She was lying under him, completely bare. Kade breathed heavily at the sight as his hand reached out to part her thighs, allowing him to see her completely.

Her face burned at the look in his eyes; complete lust. His finger trailed on her thigh as he looked up at her again, asking for permission. With a short nod from her, he finally touched the place she desperately wanted him to.

She was as wet and welcoming as he imagined she'd be when his fingers traced the line of her sex. He brought his face to hers again and kissed her, sliding his tongue inside her mouth just as he slid a finger inside her. She threw her head back, breaking their kiss and revealed her neck. He lowered his head and began kissing her there while his finger pleased her.

"You're soaked," he muttered into her skin, easily adding a second finger then another then another. She couldn't stop the moans escaping her as his fingers slid in and out. She could feel the cold metal of his rings inside but all she could think about was how good it made her feel.

When he curled his fingers inside her, she could swear she saw stars and clenched around him. She let out a low moan and came all over his fingers while he took them out and brought them to his lips. She watched him through clouded eyes as his tongue darted out and he sucked them.

Her breath hitched at the action and she couldn't stop her own hand from going to grasp at his wrist, directing his fingers to her own mouth where she sucked on them. Kade smirked, "you're a dirty girl, aren't you?" She smirked back before taking out his fingers and connecting their lips again.

As they kissed, Kade took off his pants along with his underwear and began stroking himself slightly. He reached out to the beside table and took out a condom then wrapped it around him before lining himself at her entrance.

He broke the kiss and stared at her, pushing a strand of her hair from her face, "are you sure about this?"

She nodded, smiling, "a hundred percent."

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," he muttered as he slowly pushed him while her eyes fluttered shut at the feeling. "Oh my god—" she breathed out, wrapping her legs around him to push him all the way in. They both let out a moan, the feeling absolutely euphoric. "Fuck, you're tight," he groaned, placing his lips over hers, "you feel so good."

He slowly began moving, thrusting his hips into hers as he went as deep as he could. She let out a loud moan which he had to silence by kissing her again, "quiet. My room isn't exact soundproof at the moment." He cursed himself for forgetting activate the silence rune on the door.

Her hands went to his shoulders as she tried to meet with his thrusts, their bodies moving in sync. He pulled out before going all the way back in and felt her clench around him. After a few more thrusts, he brought his hand down and began rubbing her clit, bringing her closer to her release.

"I'm about to—" she was cut off when a wave of pleasure came crashing over her and she came all over him. Kade groaned at the sensation before thrusting into her, chasing his own release.

When they were done, he rolled off her and threw the condom in the bin beside his bed. He lied down next to her, both of them catching their breaths after the mind-blowing experience.

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