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ALEC INSTANTLY FIRED AN ARROW, the arrow hitting a vampire just as Kade threw one of his twin blades which he removed from his waistband to another vampire, the blade burying itself in the vampire's heart. Isabelle wrapped her whip around a vampire and pulled him to her before stabbing him through with her Seraph blade.

Isabelle was busy fighting a vampire that she didn't notice the one crawling behind her. She let out a small yelp when he wrapped a hand around her neck from behind and slammed her against the wall before attempting to bite her. However, the vampire couldn't get further when his head separated from his body and fell on the ground.

"By the angels," Isabelle muttered, her eyes widening at the sight of the head.

"You okay?" Kade questioned the girl who gulped before nodding, her cheeks reddening at the evident worry present in his eyes. Kade sighed before his hand reached out to her neck, brushing the strands of her hair away to take a look at the hand imprint of the vampire. He lightly traced it with the tip of his fingers not noticing how her entire body stiffened at the feeling of his hand on her neck.

"Activate your heal—"  Kade was cut off by Alec who opened the door, revealing the main room where Jace and Clary were. Kade took a step away from Isabelle, seemingly to have snapped back to the present. He followed Alec as they entered another room just in time to see Clary behind held in front of a vampire. Alec muttered an 'okay' before firing an arrow in the wall behind the redhead, allowing sunlight through thus burning the vampires.

"I killed him," Clary gasped, her eyes widening.

"He was already dead," Jade said to which Isabelle add, "Plus, he wanted to kill you. Remember that. She did great, right?

"Yeah, you did," Jace smiled at Clary, "You should be proud."

"Thanks, but… it’s not about me," Clary muttered, "Let’s go find Simon."


"SIMON!" CLARY EXCLAIMED, running away to another room. Kade furrowed his brows at the redhead’s behaviour but the four shadowhunters followed her nonetheless.

They entered a room and saw Raphael holding Simon in front of him with a dagger to his throat.

"Simon!" Clary shouted and stepped foward only to be stopped by Jace, "Clary, that's not gonna do any good."

"Listen to him, Clary Fairchild." Raphael snarled, his eyes going to Kade who was glaring at him. He mouthed ‘Camille’ and Kade shot him an understanding nod. The vampire then looked at the others, "put it away. I’ve had more than enough of your friend for one day. I’d love to cut his throat. Don’t give me a reason. Put it away!" The Shadowhunters complied and put their weapons away.

Raphael then led them upstairs, near the roof before allowing them to go.

"I don't know how to thank you," Simon said to the vampire who rolled his eyes, "Don’t thank me. You mean nothing. This is about not wanting to have a certain someone on our ass and also, Valentine and the chaos he can bring."

Simon said nothing as he went to join the others on the roof. Kade was standing on the edge as he glanced at Clary and Simon who were now exchanging words, hugs and cheek kisses.

"Look, can I just say one thing?" Alec asked Jace who shrugged, "you will, whatever I say, so shoot."

"You think you know Clary, right? But you may not," Alec said, "Think about who her father is."

"You know what, Alec?" Jace inquired, "Do not start this again with me, Alec."

"She just came out of nowhere, Jace." Alec argued earning a small sigh from Jace, "she has no one!"

"Just listen to me for one second—" Alec was cut off by Jace, "Alec, stop!" His voice was loud so he grabbed the attention of everyone including Clary. "Just stop." Jace said again in a much low voice.

"I’m older than you, Jace," Alec clenched his jaw, "I’m not in your shadow." Kade raised his brows at that. He lightly scoffed, taking out a cigarette and lit it up before bringing it to his lips.

"If you really feel that way about her…" Jace narrowed his eyes at Alec, "why did you help us tonight?"

"You're not my only parabatai," Alec said, "and my sister came too. What, you think I would not help them?" Without giving Jace the opportunity to say anything else, he turned around and walked away. Kade shook his head at Jace, "you're being so fucking pathetic, you know?"

"And pray tell..." Jace crossed his arms, watching as Kade took a long drag of his cigarette, "How am I being pathetic?"

"Ever since she—" he nodded in Clary's direction, "—showed up, you're being all 'what she says goes'. What happened?" Kade stepped forward, "someone's got a little crush?"

"Not you too—" Jace was cut off by Kade sigh, "no. This isn't right. You can't just shout at Alec because he has a point. Look, I really don't care about this little thing you have going on with that redhead— just make sure it doesn't affect the rest of us."

Jace's silence made Kade scoff. The brown haired shadowhunter shot a look at Clary then at Simon and lastly at Isabelle who was already staring at him. He sighed before walking towards the edge of the roof, jumping shortly after. Isabelle followed him, jumping after him.

Kade was walking on the streets in new York when he heard Isabelle shouting behind him, "Kade, wait up!"

Kade slowed his walking pace but didn't stop. Isabelle caught up to him and was walking beside him, her steps matching his.

"Thank you."

"For?" He didn't stop, rather he kept on walking and didn't bother to look at her.

"Saving me back there," she responded earning a hum from him. The two kept walking side by side in complete silence when she said, "I didn't sleep with Meliorn to get the answers from him. I just asked him and he told me." She felt like she needed to tell him for whatever reasons.

"I don't care," he muttered making her sigh, "stop being like this."

"Like what?"

She bit her lip, shaking her head as she finally whispered, "never mind. Let's just go back to the institute."

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