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JOCELYN FAIRCHILD WAS dead. The demon possessed Alec and killed her. Kade couldn't help but feel bad for Clary but at the same time, he couldn't care less about Jocelyn's death. He barely knew her, after all.

"You don't have to put yourself in danger," Alec tried to reason with Clary who was determined to kill the demon and avenge her mother.

"I want the demon dead," Clary said, ignoring Alec's words.

"Izzy, we need your help." Alec said once he caught sight of his sister walking in. "Jocelyn's—"

"Dead because of you." Isabelle cut him off, finished his sentence. Her voice sounded demonic and nothing like her own.

Kade let out a string of curses under his breath as he realized that his girlfriend has been possessed by the demon. He watched as Isabelle tried to take a swing at Alec who quickly dodged.

She turned to face them, her eyes pitch black. "It's inside her," Clary mumbled as Alec readied his bow. "It's still Izzy. Be careful where you aim."

Isabelle looked at Clary then within a few seconds, she was in front of her. Clary tried to defend herself but the demon possessed shadowhunter was too quick. She easily threw Clary against the wall. Then she darted her eyes to Alec who barely had time to react as she shoved his bow aside. However, when she tried to fight him, Alec fought back, wrapping his arms around her as he tried to hold her in place. "Izzy, stop." He tightened his grip around her but it was futile. The demon was too strong. She turned around and punched him, catching Alec off guard as he fell on the ground with a groan.

Just as she was about to attack him again, Kade grabbed her hand from behind and carefully twisted it behind her back before pulling her to him. She demon struggled for a while before she successfully managed to gain the upper hand and slam Kade against the wall. But she wasn't in control for too long when Kade swiftly switched their positions and held her there. Her black eyes stared right into his as she struggled to move. The demon eventually stopped struggling as a sick, twisted smile appeared on her lips.

"Kade," she spoke in her demonic voice. "We've been waiting to meet you for so long."

"What?" Kade frowned in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"I can smell it." The demon leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "You have the blood of the devil running through your veins." Then she put some distance between them. "You didn't know, did you?"

"I have no idea what you're on about." Kade couldn't think. All that mattered was that Isabelle was possessed and her life was in the hands of this demon.

"You will." She whispered again. "Just tell me to leave and I will."

"It's that easy?"

"Just for you." The demon flashed yet another twisted smile and Kade decided that he never wanted to see black eyes on Isabelle's face ever again.

Kade's stare held a hint of uncertainty. He wasn't sure if the demon was being serious or if it was just messing with him. Demons are vile creatures. They were completely unpredictable and it was proven when the demon switched their positions again, holding Kade against the wall. He didn't fight though. "Just say—" the demon was unable to finish when Clary quickly stabbed Isabelle in her shoulder. She cried out in pain as Clary tried to hold her still and attempted to get the demon out. A few seconds later, they watched the cloud of black smoke leave as easily as it came.

"Fuck." Kade rushed to Isabelle as she was about to fall, wrapping his hands around her to hold her. He slowly lowered her to the ground, she had lost consciousness.

"Go back to hell where you belong," Clary then slashed her blade at the demon and it turned into flames, slowly disappearing.

We've been waiting to meet you for so long. You have the blood of the devil running through your veins. The demon's words were engraved onto his brain. The devil. That particular word was haunting his mind. As in Lucifer? Lucifer's blood? What did that even mean? Kade shook his head. He was confused. He had so many questions. But he couldn't deal with that now. He had more pressing matters at hand.

He stared down at Isabelle's unconscious figure as Clary and Alec rushed to him. "Izzy," Clary spoke, sounding scared, "please be alright. Kade then placed a hand on her forehead and gently tilted her head back. Isabelle woke up with a small gasp, looking distraught.

She looked at Kade then leaned into him, placing her head on his shoulders as she wrapped her arms around him. He returned her embrace, burying his face in her hair. "You're okay." She only clutched to him tighter as he changed their positions so her head was on his lap. It gave him better access to heal her. He took out his stele and ran it over her healing rune.

Alec sat on the ground, watching them. His gaze occasionally drifted to Clary who was seated on a chair, everything that happened hitting her all at once. He was feeling guilty, he couldn't help it.

Just then, Jace arrived. He quickly knelt down beside his friends and wrapped his arms around them. Alec reciprocated the gesture while Kade couldn't since his arms were around Izzy. His eyes fell on Simon who went to hug Clary who didnt return it immediately. He couldn't blame her.

"You stink." Kade muttered, coughing as he looked at Jace, taking in his appearance. "But I'm glad you're back."

Jace rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. "I missed you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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