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KADE TRIED TO LIFT himself up by gripping the chains holding him but in vain. His body was too weak, he hadn't eaten a proper food in days.

When he heard the container in which he was locked in being opened and footsteps getting closer, he prepared himself for another round of torture by the hands of Valentine or his men. The latter seemed to be having fun trying to break the twenty year old but jokes on him, he wasn't going to succeed anytime soon.

"Kade?" At the sound of a familiar voice, he looked up, strands of his damp hair which was now longer than before fell on his eyes. He blinked harshly, eyes narrowing at the person standing in front of him.

"Clary?" The name left his lips in a hesitant whisper. He couldn't believe it, he refused to. Maybe Valentine was playing a game with him; one where he gave him hope that he would get out of here but then he'd be back in chains before he knew it.

"Oh my god," the redhead rushed towards him and took in his appearance. She winced at how he was looking; his eyes were red and there were prominent dark circles under them from lack of sleep, his lower lip had a cut and had dried blood from the beating he received about an hour ago and his shirt was covered in blood. "What did he do to you?"

"Torture," Kade muttered, a hint of sarcasm in his tone as he gave the obvious answer, "the physical kind."

"I'm sorry," she muttered, feeling genuinely bad for him. She didn't dislike him, but she could understand why he didn't like her. However, she didn't hate him. If anything, she was glad that Jace and Isabelle had someone like him in their life and she wished he'd warm up to her as well.

"Are you real?"

"Of course I'm real," she shot him a look, "are you high?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" He frowned, "did you switch sides or something?"

"What? No. Of course not," Clary shook her head, "I'm here to get you and Jace out."

"What are you waiting for then?" He tugged at his chains and she was quick to free him. Kade let out a loud sigh of relief once he was out of them, he rubbed his wrists and took a deep breath.

"Come on," Clary said, already rushing out, "we need to get to Jace and get out of here."

"No," Kade shook his head, "I have to kill Valentine."

"You can't," Clary stared at him, wide-eyed, "you can't. You aren't strong enough right now."

"I can take—"

"— Don't be stupid," she interrupted, shooting him pleading eyes, "you're injured, tired, you're bleeding and you can barely stand still. Valentine's got a lot of men to protect him. They'll kill you and we can't risk that right now, okay?"

"Fine," he reluctantly agreed. He knew she was right but he still wanted the man dead.

Clary placed a hand on his shoulder before finally getting out and he followed her, the two finding Jace standing in front of a girl with silver hair and Valentine beside him as he urged him to kill the girl who was apparently a werewolf and part of Luke's pack.

"You let her live son, and she'll kill again and again and again." Valentine said to Jace who had a blade near the girl's neck.

"Jace!" Clary made their presence known as they approached him. The blonde's eyes widened upon seeing Kade, "what the hell..."

"Clarissa, how nice of you to join us." Valentine clicked his tongue as his eyes landed on the Hawthorne, "I see you let the dog out of it's cage. We'll deal with that later. Anyways, perhaps you can convince your brother to finish what he started."

"Jace, I need you to listen to me." Clary looked at him, "everything I said before, I was under a spell. Run."

With that, the three made a run for it only for their steps to halt by a couple of circle members coming out in front of them, ready to stop them. "Jonathan!" Valentine shouted, "there's no way out."

Jace ignored him and exchanged a look with Kade before they both rushed towards the circle members coming at them, taking one each. Kade disarmed the closest to him and used his blade to kill him before fighting off the others that came at him while Jace did the same. Then the blonde grabbed Clary's hand and they rushed towards the railings.

A groan left Kade's lips when he felt as if a part of his soul was being sucked out of him. His body fell forward and he had to grab the rails to steady himself. He felt something coming down his nose and he reached out to wipe it only to find that it was blood.

"Something's wrong," he muttered, turning to look at Jace who was in the same state as he was. "We need to go." Kade shifted his eyes to Clary, "now"

Clary nodded then looked at Dot who raised her hand forward and deactivated the spell surrounding the ship that wouldn't let anyone to get out.

"Kade, stop!" Valentine shouted, rushing towards them now that he realised that they did in fact had a way to get out. "You have so many things you don't know about yourself. I can help—" he didn't get to finish his sentence as the three jumped off board.

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