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MAGNUS STOOD UP FROM his seat, "I’d like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand."

"I don’t see the relevance," Imogen spoke earning a look from the warlock, "well, that makes two of us. I don’t see the relevance of this whole trial. Ms. Branwell? If you’ll take the stand?"

Lydia stood up and walked to the stand as Magnus asked, "I just have one question. Why are you prosecuting this case?"

"Answer the question, Counselor," Imogen demanded which made Lydia sigh, "because the Law is hard, but it is the Law— but that doesn’t make it right. We’re trying someone for being compassionate, thinking for herself. She saved a life that was being sacrificed for nothing."

"Go, Branwell," Kade dryly cheered under his breath from his seat that only Alec heard and slightly nudged him, whispering a small "shut up," at his friend.

"That will be enough, Branwell." Imogen's words fell to deaf ears when Lydia spoke again, "no, it isn’t. I’m looking out at the faces here. A brother and sister who disagree on everything except for how much they love one another, and how loyal they are to each other. A man whose loyalty is strong and would do anything for his friends and love them more than he would ever admit and someone who took this case pretending to want payment in rare objects, but who really believes that injustice towards his friends is intolerable. Loyalty, decency, compassion, love. These are the concepts that we should consider to decide guilt or innocence in a case like this."

"Those are not the concepts of the Law," Imogen had to play along to keep up her image, "now, enough of this nonsense."

"I agree. The case is nonsense," Lydia stood up, "I withdraw the charges."

People began cheering— well, Isabelle, Magnus and Alec mostly. Some other shadowhunters didn't like the idea and were against it. Kade knew that Imogen wouldn't let that slide away that easily.

And he was proven right when the Inquisitor shouted, "silence! Order!" She banged the gavel multiple times, "Silence!"

The crowd fell silent and everyone looked at Imogen who spoke, if you think refusing to prosecute exculpates the defendant, you are wrong. She is guilty," she stood up, "the defense was correct. The Clave wants the Mortal Cup. If it is returned within 24 hours, this ruling will be vacated. If not, Isabelle Lightwood will be stripped of her runes and exiled from the society of the Shadowhunters forever."


Alec was pacing back and forth in the office while Isabelle was sitting on the table with Magnus along with them in the room, they were all stressed about what was going to happen if Jace and Clary wouldn't return with the cup.

Kade was the only one who wasn't stressed out as he already knew the outcome. The inquisitor only said the cup part to show that Isabelle was not going to be forgiven easily but both Kade and herself knew that she was not actually going to de-rune the girl on Kade's words.

"I think you should chill—" Kade placed a hand on Alec's shoulder which made the older Lightwood turn his head in his direction swiftly, a look of disbelief upon his features, "— are you hearing yourself right now? Chill?" He asked as if the word itself was absurd, "can't you do something about this?"

"I did," Kade muttered, walking towards the small couch in the corner of the room where he lazily plopped down. Isabelle raised her brows at her boyfriend, "what do you mean?"

"Look," He began, leaning up to rest his elbows on his thighs as he stared at her, "even if Jace and Clary don't bring the cup, nothing's gonna happen to you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" The warlock questioned, his face holding confusion like the two Lightwoods present in the room.

Kade bit his lip to hide the smirk that was threatening to break on, "whatever happened at the trial and whatever was said only happened because Imogen had to keep up her precious reputation— of being a bitch but that's alright. Point is, nothing's gonna happen. Told you, I got this."

The three other person present in the room were unsure of what to make of what they had just been told. But they sure as hell were relieved.

The older Lightwood let out a shaky breath, relief flooding through his entire body as he visibly relaxed, "oh my god, really?"

His best friend allowed a grin to spread across his face, "dude I told you I got this."

"So..." The warlock began, tilting his head to the side as he allowed Kade's words to register in his head, "you're telling me that this whole trial thing was what, a joke?"

"Something like that," he shrugged, leaning back on the couch. "They'll get over it. I do, however have a feeling that Jace would bring the cup back— now that he knows that Izzy's life depends on it apparently."

"What if he doesn't?"

"He will," Kade drawled out dramatically, "have faith, brother."

Alec couldn't help but roll his eyes at his words, "whatever you say, Kade. Whatever you say."

After a few minutes, Jace and Clary did come back and handed the cup over to the Clave thus Isabelle was free to go.

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋  ━━ ISABELLE LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now