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UNFORTUNATELY, THE PAIR’S trip was cut short when they realised that their time was running out and that they had to return for Alec’s bachelor party.

Back in the institute, Kade and Jace were waiting for Isabelle to bring down the older Lightwood and soon enough, she was coming down the stairs with Alec who had a blindfold around his eyes as he spoke, "I told you, I don't need a bachelor party."

'You need this one. Now, count to five and take your blindfold off," with that, she walked off, leaving the three boys alone.

"Really, Izzy?" Alec took off his blindfold and turned around only to find his two best friends standing there.

"Izzy said you wanted to talk," Jace began and Kade couldn't help but roll his eyes beside him. Yet he said nothing as Alec replied, "I don’t know what she thought I wanted to say."

"Great. I guess I’ll go," Jace said, scoffing, "I’ve got work to do anyway." He then began to walk away but stopped right in his tracks when Kade let out a rather loud groan.

"Oh for fuck’s sake!" He exclaimed, looking at his two friends, "I’m so tired of this shit, guys. You two need to talk— solve this..." He gestured between them with his fingers, "whatever this is. Now I hate to be this guy but this little argument you two have going on is not only affecting you two but me as well. Come on, I can't take this anymore. We used to be so close, I want it to go back the way it was. So here's what's gonna happen..." He grabbed Jace’s hand and pulled him back from the exit towards Alec, "you're gonna sort this shit out while I'll wait."

A silence took over the room. Jace and Alec stared at each other, knowing that Kade was right. They did need to solve this issue between them, even they did not like the way things became.

"Damn it," Jace gave in, "you know what? They’re right. We do need to talk."

"Okay," Alec nodded, "well, it’s my bachelor party, so you go first."

"I don’t know how things got so messed up between us," Jace began while Kade sat on the couch and stared at them with a stern look, knowing that he wasn't going to go anywhere until they have reconciled, "but I do know my life has been a lot harder not having you to talk to."

"Mine, too."

Jace smiled, "I know it seems like I’ve been making a lot of crazy choices lately. And I know you think that I was only thinking about myself… and Clary, and I wasn’t thinking about the consequences to anyone else. All I can say is, I’ve been going through a lot. But I only ever did what I thought was right, Alec. But I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry."

"I know. You know, we just…" Alec trailed off, "got caught in all this drama."

"Yeah," Jace laughed, "I mean, you’re getting married tomorrow."

"And Clary’s your sister," Alec's voice was filled with amusement, "you know, what’s up with that?"

"Incest," Kade cut in earning a scoff from Jace, "oh, yeah, don’t even get me started on that," he took a seat on the couch beside Kade, "I kissed her. What’s worse, I wanted her. I was falling in love. I must be sick or something. I don’t know."

"No. Nah," Alec shook his head, going to sit down next to Jace, on his other side, "you’re not sick. The situation, it’s just… It’s confusing. And trust me, I know. You know, it’s like, you have this plan for your life, right, and you know what you need to do and what your responsibilities are. And you think, you know, if you follow the rules, everything’s gonna be fine. Then somebody comes along and… pushes you off that path. You just…"

"Hey, I get it." Jace interrupted resulting in a sigh from Alec, "the point is, we’re Shadowhunters. Emotions get in the way. And if you get knocked off the path, you have to focus, and find your way back."

"I mean, you still have to be true to yourself.'

"I am," Alec stood up, "I’m fulfilling my duty." He looked at his two best friends, "look, would you two be my suggenes and give me away tomorrow?"

"Alec, if this is what you really want, I’d be honored," Jace stood up, "I’m always gonna be here for you."

"As am I," Kade added, also standing up making Alec smile, "me, too."

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