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KADE AND ISABELLE STAYED beside the door, his body over hers as they listened to the conversation taking place just outside her door.

"It’s not like Isabelle can do it," they heard Maryse say which made them exchange a look just as Robert spoke, "you’re too hard on her."

"And you’re too soft on her," Maryse retorted which made Isabelle frown slightly. That did not go unnoticed by Kade who ran his thumb over her bottom lip and pulled it slightly— the action making her smile. He disliked how hard Maryse was on her.

"What about Kade?" Robert questioned, "he can help, he's—"

"— No." Maryse was quick to deny, "he's done enough for our family. It's time we stand up for ourselves. It has to be Alec. He’ll adapt."

Isabelle motioned for Kade to stay there before she walked towards the door and opened it, "adapt to what?"

"It’s not your concern," Maryse brushed her off rudely earning a disapproving look from Robert, "Maryse, this is a family decision."

"This is our only option. Get on board, Robert!" The older woman raised her brows slightly before walking away rather angrily.

"She’s been like that all day," Isabelle remarked, "what’s going on?"

Robert sighed and walked inside Isabelle's room while her eyes widened as did the older man's when he saw Kade standing there. "Oh—" Robert cleared his throat, "what a surprise."

"Sup, Robert?" Kade asked dryly, not knowing what else to say. Robert narrowed his eyes at his appearance, his messy hair and unbuttoned shirt catching his eyes. Then he looked at Isabelle and sighed, noticing the red marks on her neck that thankfully went unnoticed by Maryse. She quickly covered it with her hair, completely embarrassed.

"Well this is awkward..." Kade commented, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to fix it.

"It doesn't matter," Robert walked over to Isabelle's bed and sat down, "I knew this would happen sooner or later anyway. I mean, you two were always so close— I was waiting for this, actually. I knew it was only a matter of time before..." He gestured his finger between the two of them.

"What's in your hand?" Kade asked as he buttoned up his shirt. Robert looked down at the book and his brows raised up as if he just remembered that it was there. He then handed it to Isabelle who took it and sat down on her bed, opening it.

She smiled at what was inside while Kade approached her to look at what it was; a cookbook.

"You know, ever since you were little," Robert began, staring at her lovingly, "this has been my favorite part of coming home."

"Why?" Isabelle looked at him, unable to stop smiling. She adored cooking and she was glad that at least Robert appreciated that. The older lightwood smiled back, "just to see your face like that."

"You trying to tell me something?" She asked to which he shook his head, "No, not at all. You’re perfect."

"I love it," she closed the book and turned to him while Kade went to sit on the other side of the bed, looking at the two without bothering to give them privacy, "but I’m still gonna ask you what that was about."

"If the Seelies change sides," Robert began, "we have no hope of defeating Valentine."

"There has to be something we can do."

"You know the Seelies better than anyone," Robert said, "I’m not judging you. It’s a fact. It’s an asset. You and I need to convince the Clave of what’s coming. But— after all the unsanctioned missions that your brother authorized while we were away—"

"— Alec was protecting Clary," Isabelle defended, "we all were. That’s what the Clave wanted."

"You went rogue," Robert stated, "And now the Clave thinks our family honor is beyond repair. Even though Kade—" Robert looked at Kade, "— was with you. I think that's the only reason they haven't taken any actions against us yet."

"I'll talk to them—" Kade was immediately stopped by Robert, "— and tell them what exactly? The Lightwood name only has meaning because of all the people who have fought for our cause, we were among the bravest. The best of the Shadowhunters."

"And now they think we’re not anymore," Isabelle muttered defeatedly, "we’ll do better. Kade, Jace, Alec, and I, we’ll restore the family name and our honor."

"Then you need to understand the honor comes from the deed," Robert spoke, "It’s not a simple proposition to restore it. It’s gonna require a tremendous sacrifice."

"All right," Kade leaned forward, "who do we have to kill?"

"Not sacrifice sacrifice—" Robert explained even though he knew Kade was not being serious, "— Alec is going to have to marry someone of a high status."

"Excuse me?" Isabelle asked, taken aback by his words while Kade scoffed, "you can't be fuckin' serious."

"I am," Robert sighed, "unfortunately. This is the only way."

"I can literally make that not happen!" Kade argued, disgusted by the idea of making Alec marry someone that he probably has never met especially when he was aware of his exquisite type.

"You have done enough for us, Kade." Robert shot him a look, "we can't ask more of you."

"Then don't ask," Kade replied, "I'll do it anyway. I'll put in a good word for you, take all the god damn blame if I have to. I'll—"

"— No!" Robert cut him off, walking over to him before placing either hands on his shoulders, "thank you for everything but no. I'm not letting you ruin your name— the Hawthorne's name for us— not when all you did was being there for my family. Making Alec marry someone is the only way."

"This is absurd," Kade rolled his eyes, standing up from Isabelle's bed, "really fucking stupid." Then he walked out of her room, slamming the door shut behind him.

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋  ━━ ISABELLE LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now