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IT WAS AROUND 1 AM and Kade could not bring himself to sleep. What happened earlier that day, at Magnus's was bothering him. He didn't exactly talk to Isabelle about the memory that was taken away from her earlier but he could not stop thinking about it either.

He went to the kitchen and was surprised to find Isabelle sitting on the counter with a glass of juice in her hands. Her eyes shot up to his upon his arrival, "what are you doing here?"

"Could ask you the same," he shot back, walking towards the fridge before taking out a bottle of cold water.

"I— I can't sleep," Isabelle admitted, sighing softly, "with all that's going on. I mean, Valentine, the cup, Clary's memories, her missing mother, Alec's little problem, Jace—" she paused while he stared intently at her, "— he almost died today. What's to say that no-one else will get hurt in the future? Someone can even lose their life—"

"— Nothing will happen," he reassured, opening the bottle. Kade didn't know who he was reassuring, her or himself. Either way, he was sure that he would not let anything happen to his friends. "Maybe you should stop thinking about the the future and focus more about now."

"You're right—" she groaned, placing her now empty glass of juice aside, "I— I'm overthinking. So why are you here?"

"Can't sleep," he replied, taking a sip of the water, "I can't stop thinking about this one thing."

"What thing?" She raised her brows, looking at him. Kade placed the bottle of water aside and made his way towards her while she was still sat on the counter. "You know..." He began, inching closer and closer until he parted her thighs so he was standing in between her legs, "that little memory of yours at Magnus's."

She chuckled, trying to stay calm at their proximity, "good times," she let out in an attempt to brush it off. He was tall and when she was seated on the counter, their faces were of the same level. His green eyes searched hers and he noticed how their closeness was affecting her; the way she was biting her bottom lip and her breathing picked up gave it all away.

"Indeed," he whispered and began trailing the tip of his fingers on her exposed thigh since she was wearing a pair of shorts.

Her breath hitched, her hands clenching to her sides at his actions, "what..." She paused when he neared his face closer to hers, trailing his lips along the her jaw, "Kade, what are you doing?"

One of his hand stayed on her thigh while the other one moved to the side of her neck, "you can always tell me to move if you don't want me to continue."

When she stayed silent, he smirked at her and watched as her face went red. He brushed his lips against hers, teasing her. She groaned when he pulled away, looking at her with a teasing smile, "what is it that you want?"

"Kiss me," her voice was just above a whisper, mixed with frustration and desperation. "Where?" He lowered his head to her neck and planted a kiss there. She sighed and could not help but to tilt her head further to the side, giving him more access. He began sucking and nibbling on her skin, biting it every now and then before running his tongue over the bite making her grab his hair, gripping his hair while her other hand clenched around the edge of the counter.

"Where did you want me to kiss you again?"he breathed out into her neck, licking the area slightly before kissing it. "Here?" He then moved to her jaw and planted kisses along it before finally reaching her lips, "or here?"

She stared at him, his eyes clouded with lust and adoration. She toyed with his soft hair while his fingers caressed the side of her face. His tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip, teasing her once again earning a small whine from her.

"Who knew that the strong badass Isabelle was so desperate to be kissed?" He questioned, his voice filled with amusement as he bit her bottom lip and pulled it between his teeth, letting go about two seconds later. Growing impatient, she placed her lips on his.

Kade hummed into the kiss, tilting her neck to the side to give him a better position. He then bit her lower lip hard enough which made her open up to give access to his tongue which almost instantly slid in. He kissed her deeper, harder, filled with a hunger that he didn't even know he had while she reciprocated all his actions and feelings.

Her body was begging to be closer to his than she already was and apparently, his was too as she felt him come impossibly closer so she could feel his hard-on on between her legs. He softly bucked his hips to tease her again, feeling himself rub against her and she let out a low moan in between the kiss which he swallowed, not wanting anyone to hear them. "Shut the fuck up, princess." His words were harsh yet soft and it only turned her on more, "wouldn't want anyone to hear, would we?"

She groaned when his hand dug into the skin of her thighs as he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue further into her mouth while she sucked on it. Never in her life had she ever thought that one day this would happen although she was hoping it would.

However, before they could go any further, someone walked in the kitchen. "Hey guys, can I know where—" Clary cut herself off when her eyes fell on the two, her eyes widening and her hands flew to her mouth, "— Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

Instead of pulling away completely, Kade buried his face in the crook of Isabelle's neck and let out a small sigh, muttering, "perfect fucking timing."

"Clary!" Isabelle softly pushed Kade away, completely embarrassed, "what did you need?"

"Water," the redhead replied, unable to contain her smirk at Isabelle whose face was bright red. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

Kade rolled his eyes at her words and went to grab his bottle of water before chugging down the whole content. He then looked at Isabelle, "good night. I'll take—" he cut himself off, "—see you tomorrow."

"Good night," Isabelle smiled brightly at the guy who walked away without bothering to look at the redhead.

"So..." Clary turned to the younger Lightwood, a smile reaching her face as well, "you're blushing. How was it?" And her blush only deepened at that question. Clary smiled, "you really like him, don't you?"

"Is it that obvious?" Isabelle asked earning a nod from the redhead in return, "I'm sure everyone knows it but you two. I mean, I've known you for what, a day? And I already figured that out."

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