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THE FAMILIAR SOUND of chains rattling filled Kade's ears making his lips twitch. "You're really one hell of a kinky motherfucker."

"Shut up," Valentine hissed, nodding at the two men standing behind him. "You know, this would've been so much easier if you just cooperated. You're one of the best shadowhunters out there, having you on my side will automatically convince those who look up to you to join me."

"Keep on dreaming," Kaden muttered, "I'd rather die than join your little cult."

"You're strong, Kade." Valentine whispered, "stronger than most. I'm never letting you go, son. You're never getting out of here. You're my best investment."

Kade ignored his words, they made no sense in his head. He wondered whether his brain had stopped functioning properly; whether it was because of the lack of food or simply because half of the things that came out of Valentine's mouth were just nonsensical in general.

"Remember when I told you that I killed your parents because they were in my way? In the way of what I wanted to do?" Valentine leaned closer as he asked the question. Kade said nothing as he went on, "they were stopping me from getting what I really wanted. And do you know what that was?"

"Get rid of the Downworlders?" Kade raised a brow, "yeah, pretty sure everyone's gotten the memo."

"No, not that." Valentine waved a hand in the air, dismissing the answer, "I mean, I do want that as well but back then, I wanted something more."

"And what might that be, I wonder?" Kade's voice was filled with sarcasm making Valentine scowl. "Stop mocking me, you child."

"Spit it out already."

"You," Kade had to admit that he was not expecting that. Valentine smirked at the stunned expression that took over his features. "I wanted you."

"One, you're absolutely disgusting. I was a baby, you pedophile." Kade's lips pulled up in disgust as he continued, ignoring the baffled and confused look on his enemy's face. "And two, I do not swing that way."

A snort came from one of the men who were standing behind Valentine which made him turn around to glare at him. The man cleared his throat and shook his head before muttering an apology.

"That's not what I meant and you know that."

"I don't know," Kade managed a shrug despite being in chains, "you're weird."

"I meant," Valentine clenched his jaw. He knew Kade was just messing with him in an attempt to rile him up but he couldn't care less. It was working. "I wanted you for my personal use."

"God," Kade tipped his head back and groaned, "my mind is so fucked up. There must be some sort of rune for that."

"Will you stop?" Valentine snapped, wanting for him to cease the mockery. "Stop fooling around like a ten year old. You are valuable for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't kidnap you back then for obvious reasons— which reminds me, I have to kill that inquisitor bitch. Always interfering in other people's business."

"That's kind of her job."

Valentine ignored his comment and continued to talk, "Jace isn't the only one I injected with demon blood. I did the same for you."


"I'm not lying," Valentine smirked, "why do you think I need you with me? Why do you think I've kept you alive?" He didn't give Kade the opportunity to answer. He kept going, "I injected you with demon blood while you were in your mother's womb. Ever wondered why you're so strong, so different and so friendly with all those Downworlders?"

"I don't believe you."

"No?" The man tilted his head to the side, a mocking expression on his face. "What if I told you that I also injected you with pure angel blood?"

"I'd tell you that you're insane and that it's impossible." Kade gritted out, "so stop lying."

"I'm not lying," Valentine sighed, "I've lied about a lot of things in my life but I can assure you that this is not one of them. I'm telling you the truth and nothing but right now. Technically speaking, you shouldn't have been alive. I, of course, wasn't expecting for you to be when I injected both pure angel blood and demon blood in you. You were just an experiment— I did that to see if it'd work. The chances that it would were slim to none."

"I don't believe you," Kade muttered even though deep down, Valentine's words were reaching him.

The man ignored what he said and continued to talk, "but somehow, you managed to survive. And for some reason. . ." he raked his eyes all over Kade's face, "the demon part of you is dormant. Now, I'm guessing that Warlock has something to do with that."

"Magnus?" The name left Kade's lips, and out of all the things he was feeling at that moment, betrayal was one of them. "No, there's no way he knew. He would never hide something like that from me."

"Maybe he thought he was protecting you," Valentine shrugged, "I mean, it's a bad thing, you know? Having both pure angel blood and demon blood— I wonder what the Clave would do if they were to find out what kind of monster they've got among them."

"Fuck that," Kade scoffed, "I don't believe a word you're saying."

"Allow me to show you then." Instead of trying to make him believe him with words, Valentine whipped out his stele and activated a ruin on his own hand then he grabbed Kade's arm making his eyes go white as he was shown a memory.

He could see a younger version of Valentine talking to his mother. They seemed like they were friends, conversing, laughing. Then a few seconds later, he saw his mom's eyes drop shut and Valentine was quick to take out a syringe. The man glanced at the door before he approached the unconscious woman and injected her with whatever was inside the syringe. When he was done, he took out another and repeated the action. Then Kade began seeing quick flashes of a baby inside the womb, cells parting, the red blood running through his veins turned black then gold for a split second before they returned to their natural color again.

He was then snapped back to reality when Valentine dropped his arm, his breathing coming out ragged. "What the fuck?" He stared at him in horror, "why the hell did you do that?"

"To try and create the ultimate weapon," Valentine replied simply, "the most lethal being ever."

"Why me?"

"I wasn't going to try this experiment on my child without knowing he would even survive, of course." Valentine shrugged, "like I said, I was 99.9% sure you wouldn't make it. But you did. And you must understand why I'm so surprised that you're even. . . sane and normal right now. But then I figured since you're friends with Magnus Bane, he must've helped in that department. But don't worry, I got a warlock too. I'll have her remove whatever barrier there is separating your two selves and see what you have to offer."

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