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SINCE THERE WAS ONLY FIVE spot on the pentagon, one of them had to sit this out and Kade was the one who did. He leaned against the wall beside Isabelle and watched as they all held hands.

"I will lead the ceremony, and you all must do exactly as I say. The demon’s name is Valak." Magnus began speaking again, "And at some point, he will ask for payment in exchange for Clary’s memories."

"What do you mean?" Jace furrowed his brows, "What kind of payment?"

"We will see. Let us begin." Magnus replied before beginning to speak an unfamiliar language.

"The necklace. It’s pulsing." Izzy said as a wind howled and Magnus spoke up, "Valak is among us. Do not break the bond."

"Hold on!" Jace shouted to Clary who replied, "I’m trying!"

"It is time, the demon demands payment." Magnus said making Alec ask,"What does it want?"

"We must each relinquish a beloved memory of the one we love the most." Magnus replied, looking at them.

First, it was Isabelle. They all watched with anticipation as the memory appeared.

Kade was carrying a fifteen year old Isabelle on his shoulders while Alec was beside them as they practically ran around the house with Maryse shouting and chasing after them.

Isabelle's lips twitched up at the memory. Isabelle had training to do and she didn't want to do it so the boys decided to abduct her from the gym as a joke, thus angering Maryse.

The memory then disappeared into the cloud like thing that was in front of them. Next, it was Clary's turn and a memory of Jocelyn was taken out of her. Next came Jace's turn and a memory of Clary was taken out from it making his eyes widened as well as those of Clary's.

At that moment Kade tried to hold onto a laugh since the situation was a serious one. But the look on Jace's face was just out of this world.

"No. This isn't true!" Jace began to shake his head, "the demon deceived me!"

"I swear to god if you let go I'm going to fucking kill you." Kade mumbled but Jace didn't pay heed to his words as he let go.

The demon growled and a huge force of wind threw them all back. Isabelle was waiting for her back to make contact with the floor or worst, the wall but it never came. Instead, Kade caught her before she could even touch the ground or wall.

With his arms around her, he searched her eyes, "you okay?" She nodded and mumbled a small 'thank you' in response. He then let go of her just as Jace threw himself in front of Alec who was about to offer himself at the demon.

"Shit," Kade quickly grabbed one of Jace's arm while Izzy grabbed the other and they tried to pull him away from the demon as Alec helped and pull but it wasn't working since the demon was too strong.

"He's slipping!" Izzy shouted, worry laced in her voice, "Clary, help us!"

Clary was standing in a corner, holding her blade tightly in her hands. She was being hesitant.

"Kill the fucking demon!" Kade clenched his jaw at Clary who seemed to snap out of whatever daze she was in.

"Clary, if you do this, you lose your memories forever!" Magnus warned the redhead who stared at the sword then the demon.

"Your memories are not more important than his life," Kade spoke directly to the redhead who rushed forward and stabbed the demon at his words.

The demon let go of Jace who fell on the ground before it disappeared. The shadowhunters surrounded the blonde who was unconscious.

"Is he going to wake up?" Clary asked earning a frown from Magnus, "I don't know. Does he normally just lay like that without moving?"

"Get up." Alec said to Jace even though she couldn't hear him. But he hoped he could.

But no response was received.

"Jace," Kade, who was still standing, nudged him with his foot earning glares from his friends but he shook them off, knowing the blonde would be fine— "he's just being dramatic."

"How do you know that?" Clary asked making him raise his brows, "his breathing's normal, he doesn't look like he's in pain. His brows are furrowed, his body is rigid— he's conscious," Kade pointed out, "he's just faking it. Wake up, fucker, you've been caught."

Jace groaned slightly before opening his eyes and sitting up straight, not forgetting to flip Kade off.

"Are you okay?" Clary asked, concerned earning a nod from Jace, "Fine. Clary, the memory—"

"— It's stupid," Clary cut him off with an understanding nod, "maybe the demon did deceive you because you barely know me."

Jace nodded, "yeah, yeah. It did. I don't know why though..." Kade looked up at Magnus at that. The warlock mouthed, ‘bullshit’ at him before walking out of the room.

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