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KADE, ALEC AND CLARY returned to the institute. Jace looked rather distraught as his friends weren't returning so when he saw them entering the institute again— Clary mostly, he was more than relieved.

Kade and Alec went to stand near Isabelle as they looked at Clary and Jace who were talking in the middle of the place where everyone was watching them.

They watched as the redhead showed Jace that she had the cup and they shared a few words before their lips met, right there, in front of everyone earning a mock gag from Kade who could not stop himself.

"Oh—" he muttered, narrowing his eyes at the pair who were busy kissing, "—oh. Dude's been waiting for this though I'm not really a fan of PDA." He bit his lip upon realising that Alec was right there, "shit."

"Alec—" Isabelle cut herself off when Alec sighed and walked away, muttering curses under his breath.

"Jealousy's a bitch," Kade said to Isabelle who shook her head and sighed, aware of her brother's feelings for the blonde.

"I'm happy for Jace but—" Isabelle paused, her eyes going to the two, "— I really am but then there's Alec. He's..." She sighed, "he knows his feelings are never getting reciprocated, you know? That must hurt like hell."

"He'll get over it," Kade turned to her as they began walking to her room subconsciously, "I'm sure about that. Like a hundred percent sure."

"You're talking about Magnus, aren't you?" She asked to which he nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. "What, Magnus's a good guy and he's interested in Alec who's also a great guy so I'm gonna be their wingman."

"You're forgetting the fact that my parents are literally gonna make Alec marry," Isabelle reminded which made him groan, "oh yeah, I forgot about that. Worry not, I'll handle it."

"How exactly?" She questioned out of curiosity as they stopped in front of her room. She opened the door and walked in while he followed her, shrugging. "I don't know yet but hear me out," he began dramatically, allowing his body to fall on her bed while she stared down at him in amusement, "I shall not rest until my ship, Malec— has sailed."

"Malec," she repeated with a chuckle as she untied her hair, allowing them to fall on her back. He plopped up his elbows and stared at her, "yeah, Magnus plus Alec equals that unless you've got a better one?" When she kept quiet, he nodded, "that's what I thought."

She laughed, "Alec's gonna kill us if he finds out what we're plotting behind his back."

"He can't fight me," Kade scoffed, "I'm way better than him. I can totally take him."

"Sure, you can." She muttered which made him raise his brows at her tone.

"What, you don't think I can?"

"I don't know—" she shrugged, taking off her jacket to reveal tight black top she had underneath, not bothered by the fact that she wasn't alone in the room, "— I mean, Alec is good." At that point, she was just teasing him, wanting a reaction while he kept staring at her, digging holes in her exposed skin, her words falling to deaf ears.

"I can take you though," he spoke making her raise her brows at him, "oh you think?"

"Come on, you know you want me to," he sat up straight, giving her a small smirk, his words holding a whole different meaning which she didn't realise until he said the next part, "I can take you in so many ways."

Her eyes widened at what he said before she let out a small cough, unable to contain the smile that spreaded across her face, "okay, that was good. I'll give you that."

"Why, thank you very much." He replied sarcastically, getting up from the bed before approaching her as he remembered something Alec had told him earlier that day, "hey, you know you don't have to change for anyone right?"

"Mom said that I—" she was cut off by him, "— okay look— seriously, I respect Maryse and all but fuck her."

She couldn't help but chuckle at that, "yeah, I can totally see the amount of respect here."

He rolled his eyes, "deep deep deep down, I do but whatever that is so not the point of this conversation." He lifted his hand to her face and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, "point is, you're perfect the way you are."

"Am I?" Her voice was low as she was unable to believe what he said after all the things her mom said to her. Her eyes filled with tears as maryse's harsh words rang through her head. All the hurtful words about how she would be unable to attract someone of high status who could restore the honour to their family name by marrying her, how she could not protect their family like Alec did— they hit her harder than she thought it would.

Kade's eyes soften while he stared at her, wiping a drop of tear that was trailing down her face with his finger, "yeah, you definitely are. Anyone who says otherwise is either jealous or blind or a fuckin' liar."

Without saying anything else, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. He was taken aback by the gesture but hugged her back nonetheless, pulling her closer as he rested his head on top of her head. "Thank you," she mumbled in his chest which only made him tighten his arms around her.

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