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VALENTINE WAS STANDING in front of a portal with a smirk on his face. His smirk widened when his eyes fell on Kade.

"If it isn't the Kade Hawthorne," he muttered, taking a few steps towards him, "the last Hawthorne."

"Valentine." Kade spoke back, despite his position, "the soon to be dead man."

"You look just like your father," Valentine tilted his head to the side, "and your eyes— just like your mother."

"I'm going to kill you," Kade clenched his jaw at the sight of his parents' murderer.

Valentine chuckled, "oh, the bravery. You know, your father said the exact same thing to me but look where it got him."

"I'm not him," Kade's eyes were filled with nothing but hatred as he stared at him, "when I say I'll do something, I do it. Ask around, motherfucker."

"I know all about you, son." Valentine smirked, "quite the reputation you've got. I should kill you right now and get it over with. Finish your entire bloodline once and for all, don't you think?"

"I mean, I'd do it if I were you because the second I'm free, you're gonna wish you did."

"You're weak, Kade." Valentine seethed, "you're just like your father."

With that, the man landed a punch in Kade's face, busting open his lip but Kade didn't even flinch. He grinned at the man sadistically, "oh yeah?"

"You're sick," Valentine added, landing another punch at his face and again, he gave no reaction, "your parents looked at me in the eyes when I killed them. They were so scared, Kade. So scared. I was the last person they saw. They begged me to spare them—"

"They didn't beg you to spare them, liar." Kade cut him off, running his tongue over his busted lip, "stop adding shit to make yourself sound interesting because it's not working."

"I'm going to have fun breaking you," Valentine laughed and punched him in the stomach this time earning a gasp from Isabelle and Clary who both had tears in their eyes at the whole situation, "I'm having so much fun already."

"Really?" Kade smiled up at the man, refusing to give him any kind of satisfaction, "cause same."

At that, he received another punch and only grinned up at the man, "come on, you hit like a little bitch."

"Kade, for once in your life, shut up." Alec groaned just as Jace entered the room, his jaw clenching at the sight of his friend.

"Oh hey, Jace. How nice of you to join the show." Kade spoke as Jace rushed to him, shoving Valentine aside, "oh shit. You okay?"

"Never been better," he waved the blonde off, his eyes going to Isabelle, analysing her face for any sign of pain. He sighed in relief when he found none.

"Let them go," Jace turned to Valentine who smirked at him, "them, yes. Kade? No. Both of you are coming with me."

"If I come with you, promise you won't hurt them?" Jace asked, letting out a shaky breath at the thought of his friends getting badly hurt or worse, dying.

"I promise," Valentine nodded at his men who let go of the others. Kade clenched his fists to his sides and swung it at Valentine's face without second thoughts.

The man's nose broke and blood began oozing out of it yet he chuckled, "you have such a fire in you, it's going to be so fun having you with me."

"Go screw yourself," Kade's eyes went to Isabelle again, "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"He doesn't need to come, I'll go," Jace spoke, "just me. Just... Let them go."

"No," Kade spoke, "nobody's going with you."

"Kade, I have to." Jace muttered, "he'll hurt you guys otherwise."

"I don't think you understand," Valentine turned to Jace, wiping his nose, "I need Kade. I want you both. Come with me and your friends shall remain unharmed. Don't and well— they die."

"Kade, Jace, no—" Isabelle was cut off when the man behind her placed the blade against the neck again. She closed her eyes at the sensation of the cold metal against her skin, digging into it and drawing out blood.

"Let her go," Kade clenched his jaw at the man who stared at him, debating on whether he should listen or not. He has heard of him and to say that he was scared would be an understatement.

"Come with me and he will," Valentine said, smirking at the boy's evident weakness, "come on, Kade. I'll help you reach your true potential. There's so much you don't know about yourself."

"Let her go first then I'll come with you," Kade sighed, his eyes remaining on Isabelle the whole time. Valentine nodded at the man who dropped his hands to his sides and stepped away from the girl.

"All right," Kade muttered to himself, "give me a minute."

"Oh take all your time," Valentine replied sarcastically and said nothing else but only watched the scene unfold.

Kade was quick to walk over to her and wrap his arms around her, pulling her close to his body as he hugged her for one last time, taking in her scent. "I love you," he whispered, "I'll be back soon, okay? Don't miss me too much."

Tears steamed down her face at his words. "I love you too," she whispered, hugging him tighter. He broke the hug and cupped her face before placing his lips on hers, kissing her goodbye and with tears falling from her eyes, he could taste the salty drops.

Making sure that the others wouldn't see, he swiftly removed one of his rings from his fingers, the one with the Hawthorne crest on it and slid it into her finger as he lowered his lips to her ear, "hold onto this for me."

Without giving her the chance to say anything else, he walked back to Valentine who smirked, patting him on the shoulder. Kade swatted his hand away, "don't ever fuckin' touch me again."

"Whatever you say," he grinned and walked towards the portal with Jace and Kade following him, both of them ignoring the cries that were coming from their friends.

Kade looked at Isabelle one last time then at the ring he slid into her finger before disappearing through the portal.

Isabelle slapped her hands over her mouth to muffle a sob, tears falling down her face as Clary walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her, both girls needed comfort. Alec's heart broke at the sight of his sister as he walked over and hugged her as well, letting her cry on his shoulder.

"Izzy, it's okay, we'll get them back," he promised, rubbing his hand up and down her back, "I promise. They'll be fine."

All right, beautiful people, this is where I'm ending this book. I'll write for season 2 some day. Anyway, thank you for sticking with me throughout this whole book. I had fun writing it. Unfortunately, this is the end of season 1. See you in my other ffs if you're reading <3

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