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"MAGNUS’ LAIR IS RIGHT BEHIND that fence." Kade spoke pointing to the place.

"Magnus lives in a warehouse?" Clary asked to which Kade shook his head, "not exactly. Warlock glamour."

"Something’s wrong," Isabelle said as she gripped Kade's hand tighter. She was pleased that he didn't mind and removed it from her grasp. ‘Maybe we’re going somewhere,’ she thought just as Kade spoke, "yeah, it's way too easy to get this close."

"His protective wards must be down." Jace said making Alec look at Clary, "You... Don’t get in the way."

Kade's eyes fell on two men who were struggling on an elevated level. One of them pierced their sword through the other one making Clary gasp, "Oh, God! Valentine found Magnus!"

"Wow really?" Kade's voice was dripping with sarcasm, "thanks for telling. It's not like we already figured this out like two fucking minutes ago."

"All right, Kade, that's enough hating Clary for today," Jace said to the older guy, "we have more serious matters to deal with. Let's go."

Kade rolled his eyes as they rushed towards the fallen man and his eyes caught up on a little girl who kneeled down next to the man, sobbing, "Daddy! Daddy? Daddy, get up, please!"

A circle member crept up slowly behind the girl making Kade let go of Isabelle's hand before removing one of his dagger and threw it at the man, the weapon burying itself in the man's heart. The man fell on the ground, dead.

Isabelle, Kade and Clary then walked towards the girl who quickly advanced towards Kade, tears rolling down her face, "m— my dad."

"It's going to be all right," He grabbed her hand in his, "we'll get you to Magnus, he'll take care of you."

"O— Okay," she muttered shyly with a small nod. Kade looked at Jace, Clary and Isabelle before he motioned for them to follow him which they did. More circle members started attacking them and Kade was quick to react, pulling the girl behind him before he fought them off effortlessly, killing them by snapping their necks or digging his dagger in their throats, hearts and other deadly places.

One circle member was about to attack Clary but his arm was caught in Izzy’s whip. He turned and was about to fight Izzy but couldn't get further as a blade was thrown right in his neck from behind.

"Thanks," Isabelle looked at Kade with a smile which he returned, mouthing an ‘anytime’ in response before she made her way towards him with Clary and Jace following.

Isabelle looked at Clary, "stick close. It’s safest if we stay together."

The girl, Zoe, squeezed Kade's hand tighter and as soon as they walked in, Clary shouted, "Magnus!"

The familiar warlock made his way towards her and looked at the girl who was holding Kade's hand tightly. She looked up at Kade who released her hand and watched as she rushed towards Magnus and hugged him. Magnus hugged her back, "go join the others, my dear. This is no place for a little girl. Go."

Zoe nodded and shot Kade a smile before waving at him then she left. Magnus then looked up at him, "thank you."

"Don't mention it," Kade brushed him off, "you know why we're here."

"Right," Magnus sighed, looking at Clary who decided to speak up, "Magnus, please… you can’t hide from this battle. Look, Valentine, he found you once, he will find you again. We need to work together. Help me."

"I was going to," Magnus said blankly, "your little speech was hardly necessary. I can summon the demon, but you must make the demand. Now, I warn you… retrieving your memories will not be easy."

"I will do what I have to do," Clary nodded, a look of determination on her face earning a nod from the warlock, "all right. But we’re not safe here. The lair’s location has been compromised. Hold tight, everyone, we’re about to move."

With a snap of his fingers, the room began shaking slightly. Before Isabelle could hold on to anything, she saw the room swirling and felt herself falling backwards. She then felt someone wrapping their hands around her but couldn't make out who.

Once they were in a completely different room, Isabelle turned to look at the person responsible for making her feel butterflies even though she already knew who it was. He was staring down at her and biting his lip while his hands were rested on her waist and her hand were gripping his shirt's collar.

"Not exactly in the mood to watch live porn right now." Magnus said making Kade and Isabelle out of whatever daze they were in and took a step away from each other. Kade glared at Magnus who smirked, "Ah, much better." He turned around and stared at his apartment, "Ugh, it’s inevitable. After each move, I get the itch to redecorate. Normally, I love a dirty lair, but this one is just sloppy."

Magnus put his foot on the table and the table flipped over. He then walked to Izzy, "I believe in payment for services rendered. Thank you for defending the warlocks." He held up the necklace making Izzy's eyes widened, "I couldn’t."

"Oh, but you could. And you should." Magnus then clasped the necklace around her neck, "The Lightwoods have been wearing this for years. Besides, this would look silly on your brother."

Kade saw Magnus whisper something in her ears that made her chuckle but he could not hear what the warlock said to her.

Clary spoke, "okay, so how do we summon the memory demon?"

"Are you certain?" Magnus asked, "Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal."

"I’ll do anything to save my mother." Clary replied, "where is the demon?"

"Okay. Pretty boy, get your team ready." Magnus said as Jace stepped forward, "I know what to do."

Magnus looked at Jace, "I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to…" he pointed at Alec, "you." The warlock looked at Kade who gave him a knowing look and he smirked.

Alec looked at his two best friends and smiled before shrugging innocently.

"Come with me." Magnus said to Clary as the two went into another room.

"Pretty boy." Kade mimicked Magnus's voice making Alec roll his eyes, "shut up."

"Make yourselves comfortable," they heard Magnus say as Kade settled down on the couch, "but not too comfortable."

While Alec decided to walk around to see around, Isabelle sat down beside Kade on the couch who was eating dark chocolate. He glanced at her, "you want?"

She nodded, dark chocolates were absolutely tasty no matter what people would think. He neared it near her lips and she took a rather big bite from the bar. Kade quickly moved it away from her, staring at the small piece he had left "seriously? This is the last one I had."

She rolled her eyes, "you'll live. It looks like Magnus has a little crush on Alec."

"I could tell," Kade found himself smiling, "I think they'd hit it up. Magnus is nice."

"He is," Isabelle grabbed her necklace, a huge smile on her face, "he gave me the necklace. So how did you two meet?"

"Friends of my parents," was all what he said. 

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋  ━━ ISABELLE LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now