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WHEN KADE WOKE UP the next day, he was surprised to not find Isabelle beside him but didn't think much about it as he got ready for the day. He had received a message from Jace telling him that they knew where the cup was and that he would call him if they needed help.

After showering and dressing up, he slid on his rings and chains before placing his stele in his pocket then walked out of his room just as Jace sent him a quick text, asking for back-up.

He sighed and went to the main room where he saw Alec and Isabelle waiting for him.

"Oh hey Alec," Kade greeted with a tone that told Alec to prepare himself for his next words, "slept at Magnus's?"

"Like I said to Izzy, I didn't do much sleeping—" he paused at his choice of words and quickly added, "— I helped Magnus clean and he made cocktails and that's all. Nothing happened."

"You're saying ‘nothing happened’ as if it's a bad thing," Kade teased as the three began walking out of the institute, "did you want something to happen?"

"N–no! Of course not," Alec stuttered, his voice low earning a smirk from Kade, "yeah, okay. I totally believe you."

Alec rolled his eyes, "let's just go." Isabelle laughed at his annoyed self as they made their way to the NYPD where Jace and Clary were waiting for them, needing help.


Once they were there, they saw Jace and Clary walk out of the station as Jace spoke to the redhead, "you know what? I’m gonna bring Alec with me next time. I don’t think he’s ever slapped me in the face."

"I’m sorry," Clary sighed, "I panicked."

"Someone called for backup?" Isabelle asked, making their presence known while Jace looked up at them, "yeah. What took you guys so long?"

"Funny," Alec scoffed, "I was gonna ask you the same thing."

"It’s complicated." Jace replied as Clary informed, "We found the Cup."

"The Cup?" Isabelle repeated, surprised to which Clary nodded, "Yeah, but then we lost it. We have to sneak back in the precinct to get it."

"This is a disaster." Alec commented making Jace shook his head, "Hey, demon pox is a disaster. This is an inconvenience. We just need a plan. That’s all."

"What about a glamour?"

"We tried that." Jace replied, "anyone working with Valentine will see right through it."

"Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?" Clary asked to which Kade responded, "Magnus can only portal us to places he's been to before."

Clary's cell phone started ringing making the redhead mutter, "Not again. Just give me a second." She picked up the phone, "Simon, this is really not a good time."

Clary spoke to Simon for a while. Jace grabbed Clary's phone which made the redhead glare at him, "Hey—"

"Simon's little problem can wait," Jace said, obviously jealous. "So anyone's got a plan?"

"I got a plan," Kade spoke up almost immediately making the three shadowhunters snap their heads in his direction, their faces holding questioning looks.

"That was quick," Alec commented earning a hum of agreement from Jace and a nod from Clary while Isabelle raised her brows at him, "care to share?"

"Why, of course." He grinned, glancing around the police station before he began explaining his plan to them. After a few minutes, Kade, Alec and Isabelle found themselves inside, staring at a woman at her desk.

"Okay, I'm guessing you're the distraction?" Alec asked Isabelle who shook her head, "Nope. I've decided to grow up, remember? No more distracting for me."

"Kade?" Alec looked at his best friend who instantly shook his head, "yeah, no. It's all you, brother."

"Oh, crap." Alec muttered as Isabelle approached him, "don't worry, it's good practice."

"Huh?" Alec raised his brows at his sister, confused.

"You know, for asking out Magnus?" Isabelle asked making Kade glance at Alec who had an almost unnoticeable hint of pink on his cheeks. He smirked, "although I'm pretty sure Magnus's the one who's gonna ask you out."

Alec rolled his eyes while Isabelle unbuttoned a button of his shirt making him frown, "what are you... what are you doing?"

"Unbuttoning your shirt." Isabelle replied, "what's it look like I'm doing?"

"Izzy, this is not really my department."

"Come on." She sighed, "You do this sort of stuff all the time."

"You do, I don't." Alec corrected making Isabelle look up at him, "It's easy. Come on."

"Go, Alec." Kade patted his shoulders mockingly, "you got this."

Alec sighed before he approached the receptionist. "Hey."

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked to which he nodded before clearing his throat. Alec was nervous as he asked, "Yeah, you... You come here often?"

The woman at the desk shot him an 'are you serious' look, "I work here. What can I help you with?"

Isabelle and Kade were trying their bests not to laugh at the back while looking at Alec being awkward.

Alec scanned her desk, "Right, um... Right, right, right, yeah, um... Yeah, I'm just... I'm looking for some information. Oh, look..." he knocked over the water bottle, "oh, wow. I'm so sorry. Let me just get that. That's not... I'm so sorry." Alec slid the card off the table and Kade caught it effortlessly. "That's such a mess. Let me clean that up. Uh, it's not working. Okay."

"Here, let me. No, I got it. I got it. Just go. Go." The woman said to which Alec asked, "You sure?"

"Go." The woman ushered as Alec took some pamphlets before leaving, "Thank you so much."

Kade slid the card through the scanner and a room full of machinery opened. Isabelle then drew a rune on one of them before they walked out.

Kade faced Alec with a smirk as he mocked, "come here often?"

"Shut up," Alec rolled his eyes but couldn't stop a smile from forming on his lips.

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