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Hyunji craved nothing more than a peaceful brisk walk, where the birds chirped and sang with the cool breeze brushing through her hair while feeling the continual tug of the leash in her grip. But apparently, it was just too much to ask for. Rather, Hyunji was stuck listening to her best friend practically scream on the phone about the new tragedy entering her life. Hyunji had the feeling she wasn't going to enjoy the rest of the song she was listening to for quite a while.

"Ugh! Jungkook's already ruined my summer!" Yuri whined falling onto her back on her bed.

"What happened?" Hyunji asked, but she wasn't listening for the answer.



The boy I've had a crush on since I was twelve.

The boy whose Instagram she stalked, made her realize she still had a crush on Jungkook. The brown-headed boy who was now almost a man, almost. What was Yuri's nightmare was Hyunji's dream. This could be the best summer of her life. 

With mom being so busy at work I could potentially have a lot of opportunities to have some one-on-one time with Jungkook- Hyunji's thoughts carried her away before she was brought back to reality.

"So Jungkooks parents needed 3 months to celebrate their 20th anniversary!" Yuri scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"How does that affect you? Your cousin's lonely for a few mon-" Hyunji tried to get in a word.


"Oh. . . . Well, I'm sure it won't be that bad. . .?"

"Like being with him for a day or two is okay, but like he's an annoying brother to me. And Tae is coming home from his dorm for the summer, which means Jimin will too. So three obnoxious boys I have to deal with! He's just- Jungkook should NOT stay over for the summer. He's seventeen years old why can't the boy just stay at his own damn house?"

"I guess his parents don't want him alone for that long?"

"But that's not my problem!"

"But your mom is his aunt and she can't just say no."

"Stop taking his side!"

"I'm not taking his side! I'm just making valid points."

Hyunji felt the butterflies in her stomach as she thought of him. From the dark curls of his hair, (which she imagines is softer than clouds themselves). To his beaming bright smile, accompanied by those small dimples that show their presence every once and a while.

Oh no, her longtime crush hadn't just gone away, it was coming back, and stronger.

The thought of Jungkook being only a few doors away was exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. But crushing on her best friend's cousin? Come on, is this a Wattpad fanfiction? Despite being loose friends for a decade, Hyunji thought it was best to keep her feelings to herself.

" . . . . . . . This means I'll be cleaning up after those three slobs and have to listen to their nonsense the entire summer. I almost rather be in school, almost."

"We'll find things to do and hang out."

"I guess. Maybe it won't be that boring. I mean I'm usually bored anyways. . ."

"Yeah, let's look on the positive side. Anyway, when he's coming?"


Tysm for reading and giving this story a chance! They'll be more updates to come! Have a good day/night 💜

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