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Inhaling the fresh breeze through her nose, Hyunji sipped on her iced tea as she leaned back into the lounge chair. With Jay halfway down the yard, as he chewed a bone, she finally got some peace. Putting her laptop on her lap, Hyunji put in her password getting ready to do some online shopping, but then she remembered it was Wednesday, which meant one of her favorite fanfiction authors should've updated. She put some music on in the background, and since her mom had a long day at work, there was no chance of her being eXpOsEd.

The new chapter filled her screen as Hyunji eagerly began reading. A few sentences in and she knew it was gonna be a rather steamy chapter, and boy did she need that. Hearing her phone vibrate next to her Hyunji completely ignored it, being immersed in the book.

If only she had remembered that she left the gate to the backyard open.

Looking up from his phone in hand, Jungkook realizes that he had arrived right in front of Hyunji's house with a box of cupcakes in his other hand. Seeing that Yuri had made some for them, and a few for her best friend, Jungkook was more than willing to bring them over, even if it meant seeing Hyunji for only a few minutes.

He was hoping to stay a bit longer though.

Jungkook saw the gate to the backyard was left ajar with music playing as he walked into Hyunji's front yard. Walking through the gate Jungkook observed how Hyunji was submerged in whatever was so interesting on her laptop. She hadn't even noticed him.

Why not scare her? Jungkook thought, hoping Jay wouldn't give him away too soon. It was rather easy to sneak up on her, with music playing and her focus only on her laptop, it wouldn't be too challenging. Slowly walking towards her Jungkook couldn't help but be nosey and try to get a good view of her screen. The first thing Jungkook saw was the familiar logo, I mean who couldn't miss the vibrant orange 'W' on the corner of the screen? And as his eyes trailed down her screen, they widened with each sentence he read, and he couldn't help but smirk.

Jay finally looked up from chewing his bone and noticed someone behind Hyunji. Barking as he ran towards her, Hyunji whipped her head around seeing Jungkook. Hyunji's whole body froze, adrenaline rushed through her veins as she heard the familiar voice. Feeling her heart nearly jump out of her chest she quickly exed out of the screen, though it was far too late.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be into spanking, choking, and mirror sex." Jungkook chuckled.

Damn was she into some kinky shit. Jungkook thought as he watched her look completely mortified.

"Jungkook- I- how long have you been standing there?" Hyunji asked, stumbling through her words.

"Not that long. Why'd you ex out of the screen? I wasn't finished reading. I was liking where it was going-"

"Stop making fun of me! This is so embarrassing."

"More embarrassing than getting a boner in front of you? I think not. There's really nothing to be embarrassed by. So this is what you get off to?"

Jay leaned against Jungkook, asking to get a pet, and Jungkook obliged, really having no choice. Looking back up at Hyunji he saw her cheeks flushed red as she continued to blush.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smirked.

"What?" Hyunji asked.

"You know what. That this is what you get off to."

"Well, no."


"I'm not lying!"

"You read this kinky smut and don't touch yourself?"

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