Twenty Five 🫂🔥

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 "What the hell happened man!?"

Tae put his keys on the counter as he walked into the kitchen. Jungkook turned around from the stove, making eye contact with his cousin.

"I don't wanna do this right now." Jungkook stirred his ramen.

"I don't care. Now I'd like to hear your side of the story before I decide whether to beat your ass or not." Taehyung leaned against the counter, making it clear he wasn't leaving.

"Yuri's a fucking asshole."

"And I hear you are a freaking jackass."

"I'm sure she said that. And if she calls Hyunji a slut ever again I might lose my shit for real this time."

"She called Hyunji a slut?"

"Yes! Well of course she didn't mention that. I'm sticking up for my girlfriend and you can't change my mind-"

"I'm not trying to, I just wanted to know what happened."

"She was acting so childish. Like she knew me and Ji were in my room and she just barged in-"

"You're just pissed because you didn't get some." Taehyung smirked.

"You try having a screaming match with your cousin with a boner." Jungkook cringed as he brought it up again.


"We tried just to talk it out calmly but she kept acting like a baby about everything. And she just started screaming so-"

"So you had to yell back?"


"How's Hyunji?"

"She's upset. Yuri was her best friend-"

"Was!? We're past saving their friendship already?"

"Oh I don't know."

"My god Jungkook. Look, I'm gonna talk to her."


Taehyung walked in Yuri's room, seeing her sitting on her phone as usual. He knew this wasn't going to get him anywhere.

"Can we talk for a sec?"

Yuri knew exactly what this was gonna be about.

"Sure." Yuri said, sounding as unenthusiastic as possible.

"You need to apologize to Hyunji-"

"I knew you would say that. Why can't you be on my side-"

"My god, Yuri. This isn't about whose side I'm on. This is about what you said and did. Can't you just listen to me? You acted really immature. Barging in on them, really? It's so childish. And calling your best friend a slut, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Yuri slouched down avoiding eye contact as she listened to him lecture her. She knew he was going to do this.

"They told everyone but me. And they lied to me-" Yuri replied.

"Everyone as me and Jimin? That is no excuse for the way you acted. You're 18, not 8, Yuri. Start acting like it." Taehyung scolded her. "Now I see why Hyunji didn't tell you."

"Tae- . . . . . " Yuri raised her voice.

Her brother walked out of her room with a frustrated sigh, knowing he had gotten nowhere with her. Taehyung was wasting his breath and he didn't want to say something he would regret.

Yuri groaned, laying back on her bed. She didn't mean to be that rude to Hyunji, it just spilled out. Being so angry in the moment Yuri said something she couldn't just take back and she knew it.

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