Forty One

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Hyunji stayed in contact with Areum throughout the week, she had gotten used to getting a text here or there. They had chosen the menu, cake, and decorations. Hyunji had even been consulted in the small guestlist which she found surprising. Now all she had to do was distract Jungkook for a few hours late Friday morning while his parents set up for the party. Couldn't be hard at all.

All of his gifts were wrapped and neatly stacked on top of each other. She couldn't wait to see him open them. His card was already filled out with a long paragraph she took her time writing. He was going to love everything.

Friday morning Hyunji took Jay on a long walk knowing she would be gone for a while. When she got home she showered and got herself ready for the day. Hyunji curled her hair and did her makeup, taking her time. Jungkook always loved to sleep in and she assumed today was no different.

Hyunji had trouble deciding what to wear. She was going to wear shorts. . . But a skirt was much easier to take off in a hurry, and she had a feeling that was the better option. The clock read 9:15 so she decided it was time to head to his house. She was hoping he would still be in his room by the time she got there. She had an early present for him that they would need to be alone for him to receive.


"Good morning Mrs. Jeon-" Hyunji stepped into their house.

Hyunji held the stack of presents toppled on top of each other while she tried not to drop any.

"Jjust call me Areum." She replied. "Let me take these for you."

Hyunji smiled, giving Areum the boxes as she put them on the kitchen table while thanking Hyunji.

"Sorry, Areum. Is Jungkook awake?" Hyunji asked, peering through the living room.

"Of course not. I just thought I'd let you wake him up. Anytime I do he just goes back to sleep."

"Okay. And I need to keep him out till 1 right?"

"Yes. Joowon's out picking up the cake so we just need to put up decorations."

"Shouldn't be too difficult."

Hyunji walked up the stairs and down the hallway finding Jungkook's door. She slowly turned the knob and entered the nearly pitch black room, once inside she felt for the knob and found the lock, turning it . How privileged he was. She saw a figure hidden under the sheets.

Quiet steps took her over to his bedside, she peeled the blankets back revealing her boyfriend fast asleep in just his boxers. He already had a morning wood, how convenient. Climbing onto the bed she laid on her stomach between his legs as he began to stir in his sleep. Her thumb found the waistband of his boxers, gently pulling it down as his cock sprang free.


His husky morning voice was such a turn-on.

"Shh, you need to be quiet." Hyunji whispered, stroking his dick.

She used her hand to guide him towards her mouth, teasingly swirling her tongue around his head. Her fingertips grazed the underside of his cock making him shiver. His mind was still fuzzy from just waking up, ecstasy now clouding his mind even more. Jungkook lifted his hips, getting his length to meet her lips, silently begging for her to stop teasing him.

Hyunji took him in hearing him begin to breathe heavily, she had a feeling he wouldn't be quiet for long. The last time she woke up grinding on him he had quite the trouble keeping his volume down.

Her lips were tightly wrapped around him as she hollowed out her cheeks, the sight made him throb. Jungkook couldn't bear to keep eye contact with her, he threw his head back on the pillow.

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