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Navigating through the small crowd of people Hyunji finally managed to find the bright blue building. Seeing his tanned figure by the changing rooms Hyunji unconsciously smiled walking towards him.

"Hey," She looked up at him.

"Hey," Jungkook smiled.

"So . . . . . .? Why'd you want me to come here."

"Cuz' I miss you."

"You miss me?"

"Yeah, I can't do what I want to you in public either."

"What is it you want to do?"

"Hold hands, put my arm around your waist, kiss you. . . . And some other things I'd prefer to show you."

Hyunji looked down and blushed while smiling, making eye contact shyly while looking at him.

"So show me."

She felt his hand on her waist as he pushed her in front of him, guiding her to the end of the room and pushing her into the larger stall. Jungkook shut and locked the door, turning around and looking at Hyunji up and down. Taking two large strides towards her, he wrapped his arms around her waist pressing his lips to hers as he backed her up into the wall. Jungkook felt the nervous rush of adrenaline in the pit of his stomach that he quickly forgot about feeling her body on his. Putting his hand on her cheek he tilted her head to the side, pulling her bottom lip between his. When she was with Jungkook her knees got weak, and her heart overflowed with joy.

When they were together Jungkook made Hyunji feel adequate, he made her feel like she was enough. Jungkook gave her the validation she desired and so much more. Hyunji didn't know what it was he did but she felt more confidence in herself than she had in a while.

Barely any clothing separated them besides Hyunjis measly bikini and Jungkook swim shorts that suddenly felt so fucking tight. Jungkook pressed her into the wall as she ran her tongue along his bottom lip, which Jungkook hummed in response. Putting a little space between them he grabbed both her wrist, holding them above her head, making eye contact as he noticed a devilish smirk on her lips. With his other hand Jungkook hooked it under her thigh pulling it flush against him. Pressing his boner against her core he heard her moan into the kiss.

Diving back in to kiss her Jungkook heard her quietly moan. As they went back and forth sucking and nipping on each others top and bottom lip Jungkook parted his lips for Hyunji. As her tongue dipped in Jungkook's mouth she could taste the lingering flavor of his strawberry lemonade, his hand cupped her ass giving Hyunji goosebumps.

"I'm gonna pick you up," Jungkook muttered against her lips, not even giving her time to register what he said.

Letting go of her wrist his hand fell to her waist as he bent down before lifting her up against the wall. She quickly wrapped her legs around his waist while getting high on lust. Hyunji could barely think straight; she felt the jitteriness of excitement. Jungkook groaned as Hyunji's hand found their way to his hair, gripping it at the roots just how he liked it.

Hyunji moaned louder and louder and Jungkook was sure anyone in the room could hear her. Jungkook pulled away from the kiss feeling her lips linger on his.

"Be a good girl for me and stay quiet." Jungkook muttered against her lips.

The pulsing in her soaked core was driving Hyunji crazy, and boy did it only make it worse when he called her a good girl. Her mind only played back the moments when his thumb toyed with her clit driving her insane. (Before Yuri ruined the moment.)

I've never wanted sex more than this moment. Hyunji thought in the back of her head.

Their lips collided as he dipped his tongue in her mouth, their tongues gliding over one another. Hyunji draped her arms over his shoulder as she pulled away, kissing down his jawline. Pressing her lips on his neck leaving wet kisses which only aroused Jungkook even more, as she gently nipped and sucked on his neck he held back his own moans, just sighing in pleasure. Hyunji was gentle enough not to leave a hickey, though Jungkook wouldn't have complained.

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